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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/test/js/browser/delete/BlockRangeDeleteTest.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/test/js/browser/delete/BlockRangeDeleteTest.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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asynctest( 'browser.tinymce.core.delete.BlockRangeDeleteTest', [ 'ephox.agar.api.ApproxStructure', 'ephox.agar.api.Assertions', 'ephox.agar.api.GeneralSteps', 'ephox.agar.api.Logger', 'ephox.agar.api.Pipeline', 'ephox.agar.api.Step', 'ephox.mcagar.api.TinyApis', 'ephox.mcagar.api.TinyLoader', 'tinymce.core.delete.BlockRangeDelete', 'tinymce.themes.modern.Theme' ], function (ApproxStructure, Assertions, GeneralSteps, Logger, Pipeline, Step, TinyApis, TinyLoader, BlockRangeDelete, Theme) { var success = arguments[arguments.length - 2]; var failure = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; Theme(); var sDelete = function (editor) { return Step.sync(function () { var returnVal = BlockRangeDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, true); Assertions.assertEq('Should return true since the operation should have done something', true, returnVal); }); }; var sDeleteNoop = function (editor) { return Step.sync(function () { var returnVal = BlockRangeDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, true); Assertions.assertEq('Should return false since the operation is a noop', false, returnVal); }); }; var sBackspace = function (editor, forward) { return Step.sync(function () { var returnVal = BlockRangeDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, false); Assertions.assertEq('Should return true since the operation should have done something', true, returnVal); }); }; var sBackspaceNoop = function (editor, forward) { return Step.sync(function () { var returnVal = BlockRangeDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, false); Assertions.assertEq('Should return false since the operation is a noop', false, returnVal); }); }; TinyLoader.setup(function (editor, onSuccess, onFailure) { var tinyApis = TinyApis(editor); Pipeline.async({}, [ tinyApis.sFocus, Logger.t('Backspace on collapsed range should be a noop', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<p>a</p>'), tinyApis.sSetCursor([0, 0], 1), sBackspaceNoop(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<p>a</p>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0], 1, [0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Delete on collapsed range should be a noop', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<p>a</p>'), tinyApis.sSetCursor([0, 0], 1), sDeleteNoop(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<p>a</p>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0], 1, [0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Backspace on range between simple blocks should merge', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<p>a</p><p>b</p>'), tinyApis.sSetSelection([0, 0], 1, [1, 0], 0), sBackspace(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<p>ab</p>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0], 1, [0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Delete on range between simple blocks should merge', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<p>a</p><p>b</p>'), tinyApis.sSetSelection([0, 0], 1, [1, 0], 0), sDelete(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<p>ab</p>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0], 1, [0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Backspace from red span to h1 should merge', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<h1>ab</h1><p><span style="color: red;">cd</span></p>'), tinyApis.sSetSelection([0, 0], 1, [1, 0, 0], 1), sBackspace(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<h1>a<span style="color: red;">d</span></h1>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0], 1, [0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Delete from red span to h1 should merge', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<p><span style="color: red;">ab</span></p><h1>cd</h1>'), tinyApis.sSetSelection([0, 0, 0], 1, [1, 0], 1), sDelete(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<p><span style="color: red;">a</span>d</p>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0, 0], 1, [0, 0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Delete from li to li should merge', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<ul><li>ab</li><li>cd</li></ul>'), tinyApis.sSetSelection([0, 0, 0], 1, [0, 1, 0], 1), sDelete(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<ul><li>ad</li></ul>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0, 0], 1, [0, 0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Delete from nested li to li should merge', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<ul><li>ab<ul><li>cd</li></ul></li></ul>'), tinyApis.sSetSelection([0, 0, 0], 1, [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], 1), sDelete(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<ul><li>ad</li></ul>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0, 0], 1, [0, 0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Delete from li to nested li should merge', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<ul><li>ab<ul><li>cd</li></ul></li><li>ef</li></ul>'), tinyApis.sSetSelection([0, 0, 1, 0, 0], 1, [0, 1, 0], 1), sDelete(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<ul><li>ab<ul><li>cf</li></ul></li></ul>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0, 1, 0, 0], 1, [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Delete from deep nested li to li should merge', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<ul><li>ab<ul><li>cd<ul><li>ef</li></li></ul></li></ul>'), tinyApis.sSetSelection([0, 0, 0], 1, [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], 1), sDelete(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<ul><li>af</li></ul>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0, 0], 1, [0, 0, 0], 1) ])), Logger.t('Delete on selection of everything should empty editor', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<p>a</p><p>b</p>'), tinyApis.sSetSelection([0, 0], 0, [1, 0], 1), sDelete(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent(''), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0], 0, [0], 0), tinyApis.sAssertContentStructure( (s, str) { return s.element('body', { children: [ s.element('p', { children: [ s.element('br', { attrs: { 'data-mce-bogus':'1') } }) ] }) ] }); })) ])), Logger.t('Backspace selected paragraphs in td should produce an padded empty cell and also not delete the whole table', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<table><tbody><tr><td><p>a</p><p>b</p></td></tr></tbody></table>'), tinyApis.sSetSelection([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], 1), sBackspace(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<table><tbody><tr><td><p>&nbsp;</p></td></tr></tbody></table>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0) ])), Logger.t('Delete selected paragraphs in td should produce an padded empty cell and also not delete the whole table', GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<table><tbody><tr><td><p>a</p><p>b</p></td></tr></tbody></table>'), tinyApis.sSetSelection([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], 1), sDelete(editor), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<table><tbody><tr><td><p>&nbsp;</p></td></tr></tbody></table>'), tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0) ])) ], onSuccess, onFailure); }, { skin_url: '/project/src/skins/lightgray/dist/lightgray', indent: false }, success, failure); } );