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File: docs/assets/images/buy-me-a-coffee.svg

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File: docs/assets/images/buy-me-a-coffee.svg
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Scalar Objects
Implement objects that behave like scalar values
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Date: 5 years ago
Size: 35,253 bytes



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1,0.4 1.9,1 2.5,2 0.7,0.9 0.8,2 0.4,3.3 -0.4,1.5 -0.8,3.2 -1.4,5.4 -0.6,2.2 -1.1,4.3 -1.7,6.6 -0.5,2.3 -1,4.6 -1.4,6.9 -0.4,2.3 -0.6,4.4 -0.5,6.3 0,1.9 0.3,3.4 0.8,4.6 0.5,1.2 1.4,1.9 2.7,2 1.6,0.1 3,-0.4 4.4,-1.6 1.4,-1.2 2.6,-2.6 3.7,-4.4 1.1,-1.8 2,-3.7 2.7,-5.6 0.7,-2 1.2,-3.7 1.4,-5.2 0.4,-1.4 1,-2.2 1.8,-2.4 0.9,-0.2 1.7,-0.1 2.5,0.3 0.8,0.4 1.5,1.1 2,1.9 0.5,0.9 0.6,1.7 0.2,2.5 -0.4,2.1 -1.1,4.5 -2.2,7.2 -1.1,2.7 -2.5,5.2 -4.2,7.7 -1.7,2.4 -3.6,4.5 -5.8,6.1 -2.1,1.7 -4.4,2.5 -6.9,2.5 -1.1,0 -2.2,-0.2 -3.4,-0.6 -1.2,-0.4 -2.3,-1 -3.4,-1.8 -1.1,-0.8 -2,-1.9 -2.9,-3.2 -0.8,-1.3 -1.4,-2.9 -1.8,-4.8 -0.5,0.6 -1.1,1.3 -2,2.2 -0.8,0.9 -1.8,1.7 -2.9,2.5 -1.1,0.8 -2.3,1.5 -3.6,2 -1.1,0.4 -2.4,0.7 -3.8,0.7 z m -0.1,-9.8 c 1.7,0.2 3.1,-0.2 4.4,-1.2 1.3,-0.9 2.4,-2.2 3.4,-3.8 1,-1.6 1.8,-3.4 2.5,-5.4 0.7,-2 1.2,-3.9 1.7,-5.8 0.4,-1.9 0.8,-3.5 1.1,-5.1 0.3,-1.5 0.4,-2.6 0.5,-3.3 -1.7,-1.4 -3.2,-2.1 -4.7,-2.2 -1.5,-0.1 -2.8,0.4 -4,1.2 -1.2,0.9 -2.3,2.1 -3.2,3.6 -0.9,1.6 -1.7,3.3 -2.4,5.1 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