PHP Classes

File: inc/cls_form.config.php

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  Classes of Francisco Caserio   cls_form   inc/cls_form.config.php   Download  
File: inc/cls_form.config.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: cls_form 2.4.3 config file
Class: cls_form
Generate Web pages to manipulate database records
Author: By
Last change: role revision
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 1,507 bytes



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// setup
$this->css_path = "../css/admin.css";
$this->img_dir = "../admin/imagens";
$this->js_dir = "../js";
$this->use_sysdoc = 0;
$this->use_CalendarPopup = 0;
$this->use_print_close = 0;
$this->use_print_button = 0;
$this->use_print_back = 0;
$this->use_list_filter = 0;
$this->use_required_position = "right";
$this->setup_complete = "linked";
// table
$this->form_width = 780;
$this->cellspacing = 3;
$this->cellpadding = 5;
$this->button_align = "right";
// images
$this->img_required = "required.gif";
$this->img_bullet = "update.gif";
$this->img_lock = "iconelock.gif";
$this->img_unlock = "iconeunlock.gif";
$this->img_print = "imprimir.gif";
// css
$this->css_table = "table_form";
$this->css_title_pg = "titulo";
$this->css_confirm = "msg";
$this->css_link_general = "update";
$this->css_label = "tdtitulo";
$this->css_text = "tdtexto";
$this->css_label_entity = "tdtitulob";
$this->css_text_entity = "tdtextob";
$this->css_required = "obrigatorio";
$this->css_list_group = "tdtitulo";
$this->css_list_title = "tdtitulo";
$this->css_list_text = "tdtexto";
//$this->css_list_even = "even_lista";
$this->css_list_separator = "separator";
$this->css_edit_list = "tdtexto";
$this->css_page_by = "tdtexto";
//$this->css_complete_insert_button_space = "insert_space";
$this->css_form_separator = "separator";
$this->css_button = "submit";
$this->css_button_remove = "submit";
$this->css_print_option = "print_option";