CLI? What is it?
This is small PHP class that simplify creation of command line
PHP applications. It takes care of shell argument parsing
- PHP interpreter <>. This script is developed
with PHP 4.2.x but any 4.x would do (it will fail on 3.x
as it uses PHP 4.x specific functions here and there).
Core installation will do. No extra modules is required.
Developer materials
Args array
To make class work you need to define what argumens
and option your application expects, which of them
are required, which are optional etc. This is done
by specifing $args table with structure as follow:
$args = array( "option1" => array( ...params...,
"option2" => array( ...params...,
"option" is your unique identifier you will later
be refering to this given argument by.
Params can be one of the following:
"short" - short (I suggest 1 letter here) switch
for an option (i.e. "v")
"long" - long switch for an option (i.e. "version")
"info" - short description of an option. This text
is used to build help page when ShowHelpPage()
is called. Can be ommited but default is
"--- No description. Complain! ---" message
"required" - BOOL specifies if this option is required
(default is FALSE). Class automatically
checks for presence of required options
and give you back an error if any is
"switch" - BOOL. If set to TRUE, option does not
need any argument (i.e. -version). Default
value is FALSE (so we'll need argument per
"param" - specifies option argument. If option is found
it's argument value is placed here. You can
use this field to specify default values for
options that are not 'required'i.
"multi" - specifies if given option can be used more
than once (i.e. to let use to give more than
source dirs for your backup tool etc). Multi
mutually excludes 'switch', but that obvious
NOTE: you can give both short and long parameters
per option, or ommit one of them. But at least
one need to be specified.
Class functions
constructor( $args );
$cli = new CLI();
or, with use of constructor arg:
$cli = new CLI( $args );
Parse( $argc, $argv [, $args]);
Parses user input. 3rd argument ($args array)
can be ommited if you gave it to constructor.
Otherwise you need to pass it here. Returns
BOOL. When FALSE, an error occuredm and you
shall abort your application and display
error message as stored in 'error_message'
variable (see demo)
IsOptionSet( $option );
Return TRUE if $option had been given by user.
FALSE otherwise. You don't need to check against
required options, as their presence is checked
by Parse()
GetOptionArg( $option );
Returns option argument. If option is argumentless
it will return "".
GetOptionArgCount( $option );
Returns number of values $option holds. Would return
0 for switches, 1 for standard options or X for
multi argument with X values. Returns FALSE if no
$option exists
Prints out all cumulated errors Parse() had collected.
Outputs help page. Page contains usage information as
well as list and description of each option. See demo.
See self explanatory cli_demo.php for information about
how to use the class.
Bugs? Suggestions?
Let me know of any found!
Written by Marcin Orlowski < [email protected]>
$Id: README,v 1.5 2003/05/24 09:13:02 carl-os Exp $