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File: src/data/jobs/actions.ts

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File: src/data/jobs/actions.ts
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WordPress React Plugin Kit
Environment to develop new WordPress plugins
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 1,937 bytes



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/** * Internal dependencies. */ import { jobsBasePath } from './endpoint'; import * as Types from './types'; const actions = { setJobs(jobs) { return { type: Types.GET_JOBS, jobs, }; }, setLoadingJobs(loading) { return { type: Types.SET_LOADING_JOBS, loading, }; }, *setFilters(filters = {}) { yield actions.setLoadingJobs(true); yield actions.setFilterObject(filters); const queryParam = new URLSearchParams( filters as URLSearchParams ).toString(); const path = `${jobsBasePath}?${queryParam}`; const response: { headers: Headers; data; } = yield actions.fetchFromAPIUnparsed(path); let totalPage = 0; let totalCount = 0; if (response.headers !== undefined) { totalPage = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-TotalPages')); totalCount = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-Total')); } yield actions.setTotalPage(totalPage); yield actions.setTotal(totalCount); yield actions.setJobs(; return actions.setLoadingJobs(false); }, setFilterObject(filters: object) { return { type: Types.SET_JOBS_FILTER, filters, }; }, setTotalPage(totalPage: number) { return { type: Types.SET_TOTAL_JOBS_PAGE, totalPage, }; }, setTotal(total: number) { return { type: Types.SET_TOTAL_JOBS, total, }; }, fetchFromAPI(path: string) { return { type: Types.FETCH_FROM_API, path, }; }, fetchFromAPIUnparsed(path: string) { return { type: Types.FETCH_FROM_API_UNPARSED, path, }; }, }; export default actions;