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Class: Comparator Tools
Compare and sort objects of many types
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+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ComparatorTools | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Synopsis - Requirements - Files - Simple Usage - Procedural Interface - Error Handling Synopsis -------- This package provides sorting of objects that have a Comparable interface and other useful functions with comparison of objects. With these tools the "Comparable" and "Comparator" interfaces can be used like known from Java. Requirements ------------ The package requires PHP 5.1 or later. To use the package, just include comparatortools.lib.php. If you do not want the additional procedural interface, remove the inclusion of Files ----- readme.txt - the file you are reading right now license.txt - BSD license comparatortools.lib.php - library loader, include this file to use the package ComparatorTool.php - class file: abstract tool class ObjectSorter.php - class file: tool class for sorting ObjectArrayModifier.php - class file: tool class for other array modifications (diff, intersect, unique) Comparator.php- class file: comparator interface Comparable.php - class file: comparable interface ComparatorException.php - class file: comparator exception - functions file: procedural interface (osort, orsort etc.) Iterators/ObjectSortingIterator.php - class file: ObjectSorter functionality for iterators Comparators/ComparableComparator.php - class file: comparator for Comparable interface Comparators/ObjectComparator.php - class file: comparator for object identity Comparators/ReverseComparator.php - class file: decorator class to revert comparator outcome Comparators/SplFileInfoComparator.php - class file: abstract comparator for SplFileInfo objects Comparators/SplFileInfoComparatorATime.php - class file: compare SplFileInfo objects by access time Comparators/SplFileInfoComparatorCTime.php - class file: compare SplFileInfo objects by creation time Comparators/SplFileInfoComparatorMTime.php - class file: compare SplFileInfo objects by modification time Comparators/SplFileInfoComparatorName.php - class file: compare SplFileInfo objects by file name Comparators/SplFileInfoComparatorSize.php - class file: compare SplFileInfo objects by file size Comparators/SplFileInfoComparatorType.php - class file: compare SplFileInfo objects by file type example/ExampleData.php - example: an implementation of the Comparable interface, used by the examples example/ExampleComparator.php - example: an implementation of the Comparator interface, used by the examples example/sort.php - example: some sorting example/sort_procedural.php - example: same example but with the procedural interface example/advanced.php - example: more examples Simple Usage ------------ To give your classes the comparable functionality, just implement the Comparable interface: class Foo implements Comparable { public function compareTo($object) { } } The compareTo method will be called with another instance of Foo as parameter and must return a negative value if ($this < $object) applies and a positive value if ($this > $object) applies, 0 otherwise (the objects are considered equal) To use the tools - i.e. sort objects - instantiate a tool class (currently available: ObjectSorter, ObjectArrayModifier): $tool = new ObjectSorter; $tool->sort($array_of_foo_objects); For detailed description of the functions see phpDoc documentation inside the tool class files. It is also possible to implement separate comparator classes: class FooComparator implements Comparator { public function compare($object1, $object2) { } } The compare method behaves just like the compareTo method but both objects are passed as parameters. To use a comparator, call the setComparator() method of the tool or pass the comparator in the constructor: $fooTool = new ObjectSorter(new FooComparator); $fooTool->sort($array_of_foo_objects); Procedural Interface -------------------- There is also a procedural interface with functions much like sort, array_diff and so on from the PHP core. This way the Comparable interface can be used in a convenient, familiar way. osort($array_of_foo_objects); Currently available: osort orsort oarsort oasort array_omultisort array_ounique array_odiff array_ointersect For detailed description of the functions see phpDoc documentation inside Error Handling -------------- You are encouraged to throw a ComparatorException if your compare() or compareTo() methods fail, i.e. in case of wrong parameters. The tools will catch and handle them. By default most functions return false and trigger a E_USER_WARNING if such an exception was thrown. But it is also possible to change this behaviour: ComparatorTool::setThrowExceptions(true); so that the exceptions are carried on to your application.