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File: public/js/node_modules_vue-cal_dist_drag-and-drop_es_js.js

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  Classes of Robert Devenyi   Iceburg CRM   public/js/node_modules_vue-cal_dist_drag-and-drop_es_js.js   Download  
File: public/js/node_modules_vue-cal_dist_drag-and-drop_es_js.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Iceburg CRM
CRM application to manage contacts
Author: By
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Date: 2 years ago
Size: 6,011 bytes


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"use strict"; (self["webpackChunk"] = self["webpackChunk"] || []).push([["node_modules_vue-cal_dist_drag-and-drop_es_js"],{ /***/ "./node_modules/vue-cal/dist/": /*!*******************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/vue-cal/dist/ ***! \*******************************************************/ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => { __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); /* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { /* harmony export */ "DragAndDrop": () => (/* binding */ M) /* harmony export */ }); var S = Object.defineProperty; var V = (t, e, l) => e in t ? S(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: l }) : t[e] = l; var T = (t, e, l) => (V(t, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, l), l); /** * vue-cal v4.8.0 * (c) 2022 Antoni Andre <[email protected]> * @license MIT */ let o = null, c = null, v = { id: null, date: null }, _ = !1, m = !0, u = { el: null, cell: null, timeout: null }; const r = { _eid: null, fromVueCal: null, toVueCal: null }, M = class { constructor(t) { T(this, "_vuecal"); this._vuecal = t; } _getEventStart(t) { const { timeStep: e, timeCellHeight: l, timeFrom: i, utils: n } = this._vuecal; let { y: a } = n.cell.getPosition(t); return a -= 1 * t.dataTransfer.getData("cursor-grab-at"), Math.round(a * e / parseInt(l) + i); } _updateEventStartEnd(t, e, l, i) { const n = 1 * l.duration || e.endTimeMinutes - e.startTimeMinutes; let a = Math.max(this._getEventStart(t), 0); if (this._vuecal.snapToTime) { const d = a + this._vuecal.snapToTime / 2; a = d - d % this._vuecal.snapToTime; } e.startTimeMinutes = a, e.start = new Date(new Date(i).setMinutes(a)), e.endTimeMinutes = Math.min(a + n, 1440), e.end = new Date(new Date(i).setMinutes(e.endTimeMinutes)); } eventDragStart(t, e) { if ( === 3) return t.preventDefault(); t.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "move", t.dataTransfer.setData("event", JSON.stringify(e)), t.dataTransfer.setData("cursor-grab-at", t.offsetY); const { clickHoldAnEvent: l } = this._vuecal.domEvents; setTimeout(() => { l._eid = null, clearTimeout(l.timeoutId), e.deleting = !1; }, 0), this._vuecal.domEvents.dragAnEvent._eid = e._eid, r._eid = e._eid, r.fromVueCal = this._vuecal._.uid, e.dragging = !0, setTimeout(() => e.draggingStatic = !0, 0), _ = !1, v = { id:, date: this._vuecal.view.startDate }, m = !0; } eventDragEnd(t) { this._vuecal.domEvents.dragAnEvent._eid = null, r._eid = null, t.dragging = !1, t.draggingStatic = !1; const { fromVueCal: e, toVueCal: l } = r; l && e !== l && this._vuecal.utils.event.deleteAnEvent(t), r.fromVueCal = null, r.toVueCal = null, _ && m && && this._vuecal.switchView(,, !0); } cellDragEnter(t, e, l) { const i = t.currentTarget; if (!t.currentTarget.contains(t.relatedTarget)) { if (i === u.el || !i.className.includes("vuecal__cell-content")) return !1; u.el && (u.cell.highlighted = !1), u = { el: i, cell: e, timeout: clearTimeout(u.timeout) }, e.highlighted = !0, ["years", "year", "month"].includes( && (u.timeout = setTimeout(() => this._vuecal.switchToNarrowerView(l), 2e3)); } } cellDragOver(t, e, l, i) { t.preventDefault(), e.highlighted = !0, (i || i === 0) && (e.highlightedSplit = i); } cellDragLeave(t, e) { t.preventDefault(), t.currentTarget.contains(t.relatedTarget) || (e.highlightedSplit = !1, u.cell === e && (clearTimeout(u.timeout), u = { el: null, cell: null, timeout: null }, e.highlighted = !1)); } cellDragDrop(t, e, l, i) { t.preventDefault(), clearTimeout(u.timeout), u = { el: null, cell: null, timeout: null }; const n = JSON.parse(t.dataTransfer.getData("event") || "{}"); let a, d; if (r.fromVueCal !== this._vuecal._.uid) { const { _eid: s, start: D, end: w, duration: g, ...E } = n; a = this._vuecal.utils.event.createAnEvent(l, g, { ...E, split: i }); } else if (a = => s._eid === r._eid), a || (a = this._vuecal.mutableEvents.find((s) => s._eid === r._eid), d = !!a), !a) { const s = n.endTimeMinutes - n.startTimeMinutes, { start: D, end: w, ...g } = n; a = this._vuecal.utils.event.createAnEvent(l, s, { ...g, split: i }); } const { start: f, split: p } = a; this._updateEventStartEnd(t, a, n, l), d && this._vuecal.addEventsToView([a]), a.dragging = !1, (i || i === 0) && (a.split = i), e.highlighted = !1, e.highlightedSplit = null, m = !1, r.toVueCal = this._vuecal._.uid; const h = { event: this._vuecal.cleanupEvent(a), oldDate: f, newDate: a.start, ...(i || i === 0) && { oldSplit: p, newSplit: i }, originalEvent: this._vuecal.cleanupEvent(n), external: !r.fromVueCal }; this._vuecal.$emit("event-drop", h), this._vuecal.$emit("event-change", { event: h.event, originalEvent: h.originalEvent }), setTimeout(() => { r._eid && this.eventDragEnd(a); }, 300); } viewSelectorDragEnter(t, e, l) { t.currentTarget.contains(t.relatedTarget) || (l.highlightedControl = e, clearTimeout(o), o = setTimeout(() => { if (["previous", "next"].includes(e)) this._vuecal[e](), clearInterval(c), c = setInterval(this._vuecal[e], 800); else if (e === "today") { let i; clearInterval(c),"year") && (i = this._vuecal.enabledViews.filter((n) => !n.includes("year"))[0]), this._vuecal.switchView(i ||, new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)), !0); } else this._vuecal.switchView(e, null, !0); _ = !0; }, 800)); } viewSelectorDragLeave(t, e, l) { t.currentTarget.contains(t.relatedTarget) || l.highlightedControl === e && (l.highlightedControl = null, o && (o = clearTimeout(o)), c && (c = clearInterval(c))); } }; /***/ }) }]);