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File: src/Query.php

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File: src/Query.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Query Open AI
Perform several types of queries to ChatGPT API
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 months ago
Size: 1,544 bytes



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namespace PH7\SearchAi;

// Set up a client with your API key.

use SiteOrigin\OpenAI\Client;

$requiredEnvFields = [

$env = Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__);

$client = new Client($_ENV['OPENAI_API_KEY']);

// Create a completion call
$c = $client->completions(Engines::BABBAGE)->complete('The meaning of life is: ', [ /* ... */]);

// List all the available engines
$e = $client->engines()->list();

// Perform a search
$r = $client->search(Engines::ADA)->search('President', [
"White House","hospital","school"
$r = $client->search('curie')->search('President', 'the-file-id');

// Request an Answer
$documents = [
"Puppy named Bailey is happy.",
"Puppy named Bella is sad.",
$a = $client->answers(Engines::CURIE)->create(
'Which puppy is happy?',
$documents, // Or a file-id
'In 2017, U.S. life expectancy was 78.6 years.',
"What is human life expectancy in the United States?","78 years."]],
"max_tokens" => 5, "stop" => ["\n", "<|endoftext|>"] ]

// Request a Classification
$c = $client->classifications(Engines::BABBAGE)->create(
'It is a raining day :(',
"A happy moment", "Positive"],["I am sad.", "Negative"],["I am feeling awesome", "Positive"]]
$c = $client->classifications()->create("I'm so happy to be alive", 'the-file-id');

// Classify safe/unsafe content
$f = $client->filter()->classify('ponies are fantastic!'); // 'safe'