* This file is part of Chevere.
* (c) Rodolfo Berrios <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Chevere\Tests\Highlights;
use Chevere\Parameter\Interfaces\TypeInterface;
use Chevere\Tests\Traits\StripANSIColorsTrait;
use Chevere\VarDump\Highlights\ConsoleHighlight;
use Chevere\VarDump\Interfaces\HighlightInterface;
use Chevere\VarDump\Interfaces\VarDumperInterface;
use Colors\Color;
use OutOfRangeException;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
final class ConsoleHighlightTest extends TestCase
use StripANSIColorsTrait;
public function testInvalidArgumentConstruct(): void
new ConsoleHighlight('invalid-argument');
public function testConstruct(): void
$dump = 'string';
$open = '[38;5;';
$close = '[0m';
$expect = [
TypeInterface::STRING => '%c0%m' . $dump,
TypeInterface::FLOAT => '%c0%m' . $dump,
TypeInterface::INT => '%c0%m' . $dump,
TypeInterface::BOOL => '%c0%m' . $dump,
TypeInterface::NULL => '%c0%m' . $dump,
TypeInterface::OBJECT => '%c0%m' . $dump,
TypeInterface::ARRAY => '%c0%m' . $dump,
TypeInterface::RESOURCE => '%c0%m' . $dump,
VarDumperInterface::FILE => '%c0%m' . $dump,
VarDumperInterface::CLASS_REG => '%c0%m' . $dump,
VarDumperInterface::OPERATOR => '%c0%m' . $dump,
VarDumperInterface::FUNCTION => '%c0%m' . $dump,
VarDumperInterface::MODIFIER => '%c0%m' . $dump,
VarDumperInterface::VARIABLE => '%c0%m' . $dump,
VarDumperInterface::EMPHASIS => '%c1%m' . $open . '%c0%m' . $dump . $close,
$palette = ConsoleHighlight::palette();
foreach ($expect as $k => &$v) {
$paletteColor = $palette[$k];
if (! is_array($paletteColor)) {
$paletteColor = [$paletteColor];
foreach ($paletteColor as $pos => $colorCode) {
$v = str_replace("%c{$pos}%", $colorCode, $v);
$v = $open . $v . $close;
$color = new Color();
foreach (HighlightInterface::KEYS as $key) {
$highlight = new ConsoleHighlight($key);
$string = $highlight->highlight($dump);
$expected = $expect[$key];
if ($color->isSupported() === false) {
$expected = $this->stripANSIColors($expected);
$this->assertSame($expected, $string);