
Jaxon Config
Jaxon Config saves config options in immutable objects.
composer require jaxon-php/jaxon-config
Create a config setter.
$setter = new \Jaxon\Config\ConfigSetter();
Create a config object with initial value.
/ @var \Jaxon\Config\Config */
$config = $setter->newConfig([
'a' => [
'b' => [
'c' => 'Value',
Create an empty config object and set values.
/ @var \Jaxon\Config\Config */
$config = $setter->newConfig();
// A new config object is returned.
$config = $setter->setOptions($config, [
'a' => [
'b' => [
'c' => 'Value',
Read values.
$config->getOption('a'); // Returns ['b' => ['c' => 'Value']]
$config->getOption('a.b'); // Returns ['c' => 'Value']
$config->getOption('a.b.c'); // Returns 'Value'
Set a single value.
// A new config object is returned.
$config = $setter->setOption($config, 'a.b.d', 'Another value');
Read values.
$config->getOption('a'); // Returns ['b' => ['c' => 'Value', 'd' => 'Another value']]
$config->getOption('a.b'); // Returns ['c' => 'Value', 'd' => 'Another value']
$config->getOption('a.b.c'); // Returns 'Value'
$config->getOption('a.b.d'); // Returns 'Another value'
Set values with a prefix.
// A new config object is returned.
$config = $setter->setOptions($config, [
'd' => [
'e' => 'Overwritten value',
'f' => ['Array', 'Of', 'Values'],
], 'a.b');
Read values.
$config->getOption('a.b'); // Returns ['c' => 'Value', 'd' => ['e' => 'Overwritten value']]
$config->getOption('a.b.d'); // Returns ['e' => 'Overwritten value']
$config->getOption('a.b.d.e'); // Returns 'Overwritten value'
$config->getOption('a.b.f'); // Returns ['Array', 'Of', 'Values']
Create a config reader.
$reader = new \Jaxon\Config\ConfigReader(new \Jaxon\Config\ConfigSetter());
Read config options from a file.
// A new config object is returned.
$config = $reader->load($config, '/path/to/config/file.php');