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File: src/PDO4You/PDO4You.settings.ini

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File: src/PDO4You/PDO4You.settings.ini
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PDO4You
Access SQL databases using the PDO extension
Author: By
Last change: Update of src/PDO4You/PDO4You.settings.ini
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 1,737 bytes


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;===================================================================================== ; This file is an integral part of the PDO4You package ; ; Types of adapters supported by the class: ; vcap, mysql, maria, pgsql, sqlite, cubrid, mssql, dblib, sybase, sqlsrv, oracle ;===================================================================================== ; SQLite database - Adapter: abc123 [ PDO4YOU_ADAPTER : abc123 ] type = 'sqlite' base = 'data/database_pdo4you.db' ; VCAP_SERVICES (Environment Variable) - Adapter: vcap [ PDO4YOU_ADAPTER : vcap ] type = 'mysql' vcap = 'mysql-5.1|0' ; MySQL database - Adapter: mysql [ PDO4YOU_ADAPTER : mysql ] type = 'mysql' host = 'localhost' port = '3306' user = 'root' pass = '' base = 'pdo4you' ; PostgreSQL database (Development) - Adapter: [ PDO4YOU_ADAPTER : pgsql : dev ] type = 'pgsql' host = 'localhost' port = '5432' user = 'postgres' pass = '123456' base = 'pdo4you' ; PostgreSQL database (Production) - Adapter: [ PDO4YOU_ADAPTER : pgsql : pro ] type = 'pgsql' host = '' port = '5432' user = 'postgres' pass = '123456' base = 'pdo4you' ; MARIADB database - Adapter: maria [ PDO4YOU_ADAPTER : maria ] type = 'maria' host = 'localhost' port = '3306' user = 'root' pass = '123456' base = 'pdo4you' ; CUBRID database - Adapter: cubrid [ PDO4YOU_ADAPTER : cubrid ] type = 'cubrid' host = 'localhost' port = '33000' user = 'dba' pass = '' base = 'pdo4you' ; Microsoft SQL Server database - Adapter: sqlsrv [ PDO4YOU_ADAPTER : sqlsrv ] type = 'sqlsrv' user = 'sa' pass = '123456' base = 'teste' ; ORACLE database - Adapter: oracle [ PDO4YOU_ADAPTER : oracle ] type = 'oracle' user = 'system' pass = '123456' base = '//localhost:1521/teste'