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File: includes/PHPDc.Config.php

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File: includes/PHPDc.Config.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: config
Class: PHPDc
Direct connect statistics retrieval
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 3,592 bytes



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// //
// PHPDc v0.2 //
// PHPDc Config file //
// PHPDc.Config.php //
// by [RO]VeNoM //
// //
// //
// //

$config = array ();
$hub = array ();


// Admin User/Password/Email

$config['admin_user'] = "venom";
$config['admin_password'] = "venom";
$config['admin_email'] = "";

// Hub(s), Port, Name & Description

$hub['1']['hub'] = '';
$hub['1']['port'] = 411;
$hub['1']['name'] = "Romania's #1 DC Hub";
$hub['1']['desc'] = "dual pentrum 3, 512 MB RAM";
$hub['1']['template'] = 'zap';

$hub['2']['hub'] = '';
$hub['2']['port'] = 6969;
$hub['2']['name'] = "Zap's DC Hub";
$hub['2']['desc'] = "dual pentrum 3, 512 MB RAM";
$hub['2']['template'] = 'zap';

$hub['3']['hub'] = '';
$hub['3']['port'] = 411;
$hub['3']['name'] = "Ciorapia DC Hub";
$hub['3']['desc'] = "dual pentrum 3, 512 MB RAM";
$hub['3']['template'] = 'zap';

$hub['4']['hub'] = '';
$hub['4']['port'] = 6969;
$hub['4']['name'] = "HopZone DC Hub";
$hub['4']['desc'] = "dual pentrum 3, 512 MB RAM";
$hub['4']['template'] = 'zap';

$hub['5']['hub'] = '';
$hub['5']['port'] = 411;
$hub['5']['name'] = " DCHub";
$hub['5']['desc'] = "dual pentrum 3, 512 MB RAM";
$hub['5']['template'] = 'zap';

$hub['6']['hub'] = '';
$hub['6']['port'] = 6969;
$hub['6']['name'] = "RoHubMania1 DCHub";
$hub['6']['desc'] = "dual pentrum 3, 512 MB RAM";
$hub['6']['template'] = 'zap';

$hub['7']['hub'] = '';
$hub['7']['port'] = 411;
$hub['7']['name'] = "Romania's #2 DCHub";
$hub['7']['desc'] = "dual pentrum 3, 512 MB RAM";
$hub['7']['template'] = 'zap';

// Bot User Data

$config['nick'] = '[RO][B][TotalNet]VeNoMPHPDc';
$config['description'] = 'PHPDC Stats by [RO]VeNoM';
$config['email'] = '';
$config['speed'] = 'Cable'.chr(1); // do not remove .chr(1)
$config['sharesize'] = '75805505065';

// FTP Stuff

$config['ftp_active'] = 0;

$config['ftp_server'] = "";
$config['ftp_port'] = "21";
$config['ftp_user'] = "";
$config['ftp_pass'] = "";

// When disconnected, Reconnect after (seconds)

$config['reconnect_after'] = 3;

// If debugger is set to 1, it will write a log in logs dir

$config['debug'] = 1;

// Site URL

$config['site_url'] = ''; // must end with /

// Time to stay and collect info (seconds)

$config['timetostay'] = 60;

// Cron job time (seconds)

$config['cronjob'] = 900;

// Nicks / Users per page

$config['onpage'] = 30;

// Navigation Pages

$config['navpages'] = 5;

// Page Details

$config['pagedetalies'] = 1;


// Author Details

$config['author_name'] = "[RO]VeNoM";
$config['author_email'] = "";

// Log file name

$config['log'] = 'debug-'.date("Y-m-d").'.log';

// Time to seeep between sends (microseconds)

$config['sendsleep'] = 10000;

// Time to seeep between receives (microseconds)

$config['receivesleep'] = 10000;

// Start Time

$config['time'] = time ();

// PHPDc Version

$config['version'] = 'PHPDc v0.2';
