* Class PoClass
class PoClass
protected $data;
public function getData()
return $this->data;
* Clean new lines and add escapes dollar symbol
* @param $obj
* @return array|mixed|string
protected function clean($obj)
if (is_array($obj)) {
foreach ($obj as $key=>$value) {
$obj[$key] = $this->clean($value);
} else {
if ('"' == $obj[0]){
$obj = substr($obj, 1, -1);
$obj = str_replace(array("\"\n\"",'$'), array('','\\$'), $obj);
return $obj;
protected function cleanText($str)
$conv = array(
"&" => "&",
"<" => "<",
">" => ">",
"0" => " ",
"¡" => "¡",
"¢" => "¢",
"£" => "£",
"¤" => "¤",
"Â¥" => "¥",
"¦" => "¦",
"§" => "§",
"¨" => "¨",
"©" => "©",
"ª" => "ª",
"«" => "«",
"¬" => "¬",
"0" => "­",
"®" => "®",
"¯" => "¯",
"°" => "°",
"±" => "±",
"²" => "²",
"³" => "³",
"´" => "´",
"µ" => "µ",
"¶" => "¶",
"·" => "·",
"¸" => "¸",
"¹" => "¹",
"º" => "º",
"»" => "»",
"¼" => "¼",
"½" => "½",
"¾" => "¾",
"¿" => "¿",
"À" => "À",
"Ã" => "Á",
"Â" => "Â",
"Ã" => "Ã",
"Ä" => "Ä",
"Ã…" => "Å",
"Æ" => "Æ",
"Ç" => "Ç",
"È" => "È",
"É" => "É",
"Ê" => "Ê",
"Ë" => "Ë",
"ÃŒ" => "Ì",
"Ã" => "Í",
"ÃŽ" => "Î",
"Ã" => "Ï",
"Ã" => "Ð",
"Ñ" => "Ñ",
"Ã’" => "Ò",
"Ó" => "Ó",
"Ô" => "Ô",
"Õ" => "Õ",
"Ö" => "Ö",
"×" => "×",
"Ø" => "Ø",
"Ù" => "Ù",
"Ú" => "Ú",
"Û" => "Û",
"Ãœ" => "Ü",
"Ã" => "Ý",
"Þ" => "Þ",
"ß" => "ß",
"Ã " => "à",
"á" => "á",
"â" => "â",
"ã" => "ã",
"ä" => "ä",
"Ã¥" => "å",
"æ" => "æ",
"ç" => "ç",
"è" => "è",
"é" => "é",
"ê" => "ê",
"ë" => "ë",
"ì" => "ì",
"Ã" => "í",
"î" => "î",
"ï" => "ï",
"ð" => "ð",
"ñ" => "ñ",
"ò" => "ò",
"ó" => "ó",
"ô" => "ô",
"õ" => "õ",
"ö" => "ö",
"÷" => "÷",
"ø" => "ø",
"ù" => "ù",
"ú" => "ú",
"û" => "û",
"ü" => "ü",
"ý" => "ý",
"þ" => "þ",
"ÿ" => "ÿ",
"Å’" => "Œ",
"Å“" => "œ",
"Å " => "Š",
"Å¡" => "š",
"Ÿ" => "Ÿ",
"ˆ" => "ˆ",
"Ëœ" => "˜",
"–" => "–",
"—" => "—",
"‘" => "‘",
"’" => "’",
"‚" => "‚",
"“" => "“",
"â€" => "”",
"„" => "„",
"†" => "†",
"‡" => "‡",
"‰" => "‰",
"‹" => "‹",
"›" => "›",
"€" => "€",
return str_replace(array_keys($conv), $conv, $str);
* Inspired in the work of Joss Crowcroft
* https://github.com/phpmo/php.mo/blob/master/php-mo.php
* @param string $file
* @return bool
public function readFromFile($file)
$data = array ();
$handle = fopen($file, 'r');
if ($handle === false) {
return false;
$temp = array();
$state = null;
$fuzzy = false;
// main loop
while(($line = fgets($handle, 65536)) !== false) {
$line = trim($line);
$tmp1 = preg_split('/\s/', $line, 2);
if(count($tmp1) > 1){
list ($key, $_data) = $tmp1;
switch ($key) {
case '#,' : $fuzzy = in_array('fuzzy', preg_split('/,\s*/', $_data));
case '#' : // comments of translator
case '#.' : // comments extracted
case '#:' : // reference
case '#|' : // msgid previous-untranslated-string
if (sizeof($temp) && array_key_exists('msgid', $temp) && array_key_exists('msgstr', $temp)) {
if (!$fuzzy){
$data[] = $temp;
//print "1\n";
$temp = array();
$state = null;
$fuzzy = false;
case 'msgctxt':
case 'msgid':
case 'msgid_plural':
$state = $key;
$temp[$state] = $this->cleanText($_data);
case 'msgstr' :
$state = 'msgstr';
$temp[$state][] = $this->cleanText($_data);
default :
if (false !== strpos($key, 'msgstr[')) {
$state = 'msgstr';
$temp[$state][] = $_data;
} else {
switch ($state) {
case 'msgctxt' :
case 'msgid' :
case 'msgid_plural' :
$temp[$state] .= "\n" . $line;
case 'msgstr' :
$temp[$state][sizeof($temp[$state]) - 1] .= "\n" . $line;
default :
return false;
if ($state == 'msgstr'){
$data[] = $temp;
$temp = $data;
$data = array ();
foreach ($temp as $entry) {
foreach ($entry as & $value) {
$value = $this->clean($value);
if (false === $value) {
return false;
$data[$entry['msgid']] = $entry;
$this->data = $data;
return true;
* @param $file
public function writeMoFile($file)
$offsets = array();
$ids = '';
$strings = '';
$mo = '';
$data = $this->data;
ksort($data, SORT_STRING);
foreach ($data as $entry) {
$id = $entry['msgid'];
if (isset ($entry['msgid_plural'])){
$id .= "\x00" . $entry['msgid_plural'];
if (array_key_exists('msgctxt', $entry)){
$id = $entry['msgctxt'] . "\x04" . $id;
$str = implode("\x00", $entry['msgstr']);
$offsets[] = array(strlen($ids), strlen($id), strlen($strings), strlen($str));
$ids .= $id . "\x00";
$strings .= $str . "\x00";
$key_start = 7 * 4 + sizeof($data) * 4 * 4;
$value_start = $key_start + strlen($ids);
$key_offsets = array();
$value_offsets = array();
foreach ($offsets as $v) {
list ($o1, $l1, $o2, $l2) = $v;
$key_offsets[] = $l1;
$key_offsets[] = $o1 + $key_start;
$value_offsets[] = $l2;
$value_offsets[] = $o2 + $value_start;
$offsets = array_merge($key_offsets, $value_offsets);
$mo .= pack('Iiiiiii', 0x950412de, 0, sizeof($data), 7 * 4, 7 * 4 + sizeof($data) * 8, 0, $key_start);
foreach ($offsets as $offset){
$mo .= pack('i', $offset);
$mo .= $ids;
$mo .= $strings;
file_put_contents($file, $mo);