DownloadKecik Framework
> PayPal: 
> Rekening Mandiri: 113-000-6944-858, Atas Nama: Dony Wahyu Isprananda
Is a framework with a very simple file system, so this is not a complex framework, but you can build and develop this framework to be a complex framework. This Framework support simple MVC where you still have to customize some code for get complex MVC, for Model just generate SQL Query for INSERT , UPDATE and DELETE only, so for code execution that SQL Query please make your self freely as you want or using whichever database libaries. This Framework also support Composer, so as to facilitate you for adding a library from composer.
Name : Framework Kecik
Author : Dony Wahyu Isp
Version : 1.1.0
Country : Indonesian
City : Palembang
The First Step | The Second Step | The Third Step | The Fourth Step
Know More In | Header | Route | Config | Assets | Request | MVC | Controller | Middleware | Model | View | Url | Template
The First Step
Install composer in your opration system, if not installed you can download it from Composer website, after download and initialitation, next you need make composer.json files with contents as follows.
"require": {
"dnaextrim/kecik": "1.1.*@dev"
next, run this command on console/cmd composer install
wait a minute until all run without error.
The Second Step
Create index.php files or anything, and enter the code below: <?php
require_once "Kecik/Kecik.php";
// or for composer
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
`require "Kecik\Kecik.php" ` for include system file of framework to the project that you want make.
then try run, if only displaying blank page without error message is mean successfull.
for how to use composer will not be discussed here, you can learn from documentation from composer website, both online and offline.
The Third Step
Create variable from Kecik Class as below $app = new Kecik\Kecik();
then try running back, if not get error is mean you have successfull in this step.
The Fourth Step
The next step is make Route for index and run the framework, following code: $app->get('/', function() {
return 'Hello Kecik';
Once the code is written try running, so you can see "Hello Kecik" that mean you have successfull make view for route index/main page for your project.
The overall appearance code: <?php
require_once "Kecik/Kecik.php";
// or for composer
//require_once "vendor/autoload.php"
$app = new Kecik\Kecik();
$app->get('/', function() {
return 'Hello Kecik';
Know More In
Header use for do setting a response header $app->get('hello', function() {
return 'Hello Kecik';
Route in contained kecik framework current is get and post, where get and post is request source and that mean is that route just will proccess on match request.For how to use, there are several ways, and very simple is without use Controller, external variable and template, as follow: $app->get('/', function() {
return 'Hello Kecik';
With parameter: $app->get('hello/:name', function ($name) {
return 'Hello '.$name;
Parameter in route use `: at front section, while for optional parameter can use (:) `
> example: hello/(:name)
With Controller: $app->get('welcome/:name', new Controller\Welcome($app), function ($controller, $name) use ($app) {
return $controller->index($name);
Ensure that already makes Controller you want to use on that route.
With Template: $app->get('hello/:name', function ($name) {
return 'Hello '.$name;
$app->get('welcome/:name', new Controller\Welcome($app), function ($controller, $name) use ($app) {
return $controller->index($name);
$app->get('welcome/:name', function($name) {
$controller = new Controller\Welcome($this);
return $controller->index($name);
Kecik Framework juga mendukung pengelompokan route. $app->group('book', function() {
$this->post('insert', function() {
$controller = new Controller\Book($this);
return $controller->insert();
$this->get('get', function() {
$controller = new Controller\Book($this);
return $controller->get();
$this->post('update', function() {
$controller = new Controller\Book($this);
return $controller->update();
$this->post('delete', function() {
$controller = new Controller\Book($this);
return $controller->delete();
$this->post('find', function() {
$controller = new Controller\Book($this);
return $controller->find();
HTML just support method POST and GET , if we want using method like PUT , DELETE , OPTIONS , and PATCH we can using do Override
<form method="POST" action="<?php $this->url->to('login') ?>">
<input type="text" name="username" />
<input type="password" name="password" />
<input type="hidden" name="_METHOD" value="PUT">
<input type="submit" value="LOGIN" />
> Note: Applies to the use of the post, put, delete, options, and patch to use the controller and templates there are several steps that need to be prepared
Untuk mendapatkan nilai route saat ini <a href="<?php $this->url->to('home') ?>" <?php echo ($this->route->is() == 'home')? 'class="active"': '' ?>>Home</a>
Untuk mengecheck apakah metode request adalah POST , jika benar maka nilai adalah TRUE jika salah maka nilai adalah FALSE if ($this->route->isPost() == FALSE)
Untuk mengecheck apakah metode request adalah GET , jika benar maka nilai adalah TRUE jika salah maka nilai adalah FALSE if ($this->route->isGET() == FALSE)
Untuk mengecheck apakah metode request adalah PUT , jika benar maka nilai adalah TRUE jika salah maka nilai adalah FALSE if ($this->route->isPut() == FALSE)
Untuk mengecheck apakah metode request adalah DELETE , jika benar maka nilai adalah TRUE jika salah maka nilai adalah FALSE if ($this->route->isDelete() == FALSE)
Untuk mengecheck apakah metode request adalah PATCH , jika benar maka nilai adalah TRUE jika salah maka nilai adalah FALSE if ($this->route->isPatch() == FALSE)
Untuk mengecheck apakah metode request adalah OPTIONS , jika benar maka nilai adalah TRUE jika salah maka nilai adalah FALSE if ($this->route->isOptions() == FALSE)
Untuk mengecheck apakah metode request adalah AJAX , jika benar maka nilai adalah TRUE jika salah maka nilai adalah FALSE if ($this->route->isAjax() == FALSE)
Setting path or location for assets, application (MVC), and template, following way setting: $app->config->set('path.assets', 'assets');
$app->config->set('path.mvc', 'app');
$app->config->set('path.template', 'templates');
create a folder / directory by setting the path before.
For folder/directory assets and application sure in which there sub folder/direktori +-- assets
| +-- css
| +-- js
| +-- images
| +-- controllers
| +-- models
| +-- views
For a big project and not simple we need some setting/configuration, for setting/configuration this framework also equipped with config, either for setting or to read settings
Use set function from config to a set/add value set($key, $value)
> paramater `$key ` is parameter key for a setting
> paramater `$value ` is parameter value for a setting
Example: $app->config->set('path.assets', 'assets');
Use get function to get a value from a setting get($key)
> parameter `$key ` is key parameter for a setting where to get value
Example: $asset_path = $app->config->get('path.assets');
Configuration When Making Kecik Instance
$config = [
'path.assets' => 'assets',
'path.mvc' => 'app',
'path.template' => 'templates',
'error.404' => 'kecik_template/404',
'mod_rewrite' => TRUE,
'libraries' => [
'DIC' => ['enable'=>TRUE],
'Session' => [
'enable' => TRUE,
'config' => ['encrypt' => TRUE]
'Cookie' => [
'enable' => TRUE,
'config' => ['encrypt' => TRUE]
'Database' => [
'enable' => TRUE,
'config' => [
'driver' => 'mysqli',
'hostname' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'dbname' => 'kecik'
'MVC' => ['enable' => TRUE],
'Language' => [
'enable' => TRUE,
'params' => [
'id' => 'language/lang_id.json',
'us' => 'language/lang_us.json'
$app = new Kecik\Kecik($config);
$app->get('/', function() {
return 'Hello Kecik';
Assets is importan for facilitate us work for add/delete assets as css, js and images, also very useful for a template, and assets juga can be adjusted by controller in used. Assets css and js have same structure while for images is diferrent.
This function use for add a assets file as css or js. add($file='')
> paramater `$file ` contains the name of the file that want to load assets, write without using extension
Example: $app->assets->css->add('boostrap');
This cunction use to delete a assets file that want to load as css or js. delete($file='')
> paramater `$file ` contains the name of the file that want to load assets, write without using extension
Example: $app->assets->css->delete('boostrap');
This function use to render a asset list or one asset that want to load as css or js render($file='')
> paramater `$file ` contains the name of the file that want to load assets, write without using extension
Example: echo $app->assets->css->render();
echo $app->assets->js->render();
// atau spesifik render
echo $app->assets->css->render('boostrap');
echo $app->assets->js->render('boostrap.min');
This function use to get link from image assets file. images($file)
> paramater `$file ` containt image assets file name that want to use.
Example: <img src="<?php echo $app->assets->images('kecik.jpg'); ?>" />
$this function use for get link of assets file for images. url()
Request is other use from `$_GET , $_POST and $_SERVER `
You can use get function to get value from `$_GET ` get($var='')
> paramater `$var ` containt name from get variable
Example: print_r($this->request->get());
$x = $this->request->get('x');
You can use post function to get value from `$_POST ` post($var='')
> paramater `$var ` containt name from post variable
Example: print_r($this->request->post());
$x = $this->request->post('x');
Anda dapat menggunakan fungsi post untuk mendapatkan nilai dari method put put($var='')
> paramater `$var ` berisikan nama dari variabel post
Contoh: print_r($this->request->post());
$x = $this->request->post('x');
Anda dapat menggunakan fungsi post untuk mendapatkan nilai dari method delete delete($var='')
> paramater `$var ` berisikan nama dari variabel post
Contoh: print_r($this->request->delete());
$x = $this->request->delete('x');
Anda dapat menggunakan fungsi post untuk mendapatkan nilai dari method options options($var='')
> paramater `$var ` berisikan nama dari variabel post
Contoh: print_r($this->request->options());
$x = $this->request->options('x');
Anda dapat menggunakan fungsi post untuk mendapatkan nilai dari method patch patch($var='')
> paramater `$var ` berisikan nama dari variabel post
Contoh: print_r($this->request->patch());
$x = $this->request->patch('x');
Anda dapat menggunakan fungsi post untuk mendapatkan nilai dari method file file($file)
> paramater `$file ` berisikan nama dari variabel FILES
Contoh: $x = $this->request->file('photo')->move($source, $destination);
You can use server function to get value from `$_SERVER ` server($var='')
> paramater `$var ` containt name from server variable
Exmple: print_r($this->request->server());
$host = $this->request->server('HTTP_HOST');
This Framework also support simple MVC, where route will call Controller and Controller will call Model or/and View.
For make controller is simple, we just make file with name as controller name and save into directory that setting before via config, The following simple code a controller <?php
// file welcome.php
namespace Controller;
use Kecik\Controller;
class Welcome extends Controller{
public function __construct($app) {
How to use the controller on the route is as follows: $app->get('/', new Controller\Welcome($app), function($controller) {
use Kecik\Controller;
class Welcome extends Controller{ var $dbcon;
public function __construct($app, $dbcon) {
$this->dbcon = $dbcon;
Next how to use at route as follow:
$app->get('/', new Controller\Welcome($app, $dbcon), function($controller) {
- With Method/Function
For use method/function in controller is simple, just call in callback section route. Here's how to write the code controller using the method / function.
// file welcome.php
namespace Controller;
use Kecik\Controller;
class Welcome extends Controller{ var $dbcon;
public function __construct($app, $dbcon) {
$this->dbcon = $dbcon;
public function index() {
return 'Kecik berkata: Controler->index()';
Next use method/function in route is as follow.
$app->get('/', new Controller\Welcome($app, $dbcon), function($controller) { return $controller->index();
- With parameter in Method/Function
For give paramter in Method/Fungsi in controller we can give at the time of the call method in callback route, The following code example controller with a method / function parameterized.
// file welcome.php
namespace Controller;
use Kecik\Controller;
class Welcome extends Controller{ var $dbcon;
public function __construct($app, $dbcon) {
$this->dbcon = $dbcon;
public function index() {
return 'Kecik berkata: Controler->index()';
public function hello($nama) {
return "Hello, $nama";
How to use in route as follow.
$app->get('/hello/:nama', new Controller\Welcome($app, $dbcon), function($controller, $nama) { return $controller->index($nama);
Middleware is functions will running before/after callback execution on route.
$mw1 = function() { echo 'is Middleware 1 [Before]';
$mw2 = function() { echo 'is Middleware 2 [Before]';
$mw3 = function() { echo 'is Middleware 3 [After]';
$mw4 = function() { echo 'is Middleware 4 [After]';
$app->get('middleware', array($mw1, mw2), function() { return 'is Response Middleware Route';
}, array($mw3, $mw4));
For make model is simple, we just create a file with name as model name and save in directory that setting before via config, The following simple code model
//file data.php
namespace Model;
use Kecik\Model;
class Data extends Model {
protected $table = 'data';
public function __construct($id='') {
How to use Model in controller are as follows.
// file welcome.php
namespace Controller;
use Kecik\Controller;
class Welcome extends Controller{ var $dbcon;
public function __construct($app, $dbcon) {
$this->dbcon = $dbcon;
public function index() {
return 'Kecik berkata: Controler->index()';
public function hello($nama) {
return "Hello, $nama";
public function insert() {
$model = new \Model\Data();
$model->nama = $_POST['nama'];
$model->email = $_POST['email'];
$sql = $model->save();
public function update($id) {
$model = new \Model\Data(array('id'=>$id));
$model->nama = $_POST['nama'];
$model->email = $_POST['email'];
$sql = $model->save();
public function delete($id) {
$model = new \Model\Data(array('id'=>$id));
$sql = $mode->delete();
For make view is also simple, because in this you don't need make class/object, but just plain php file will call by controller, the following code view.
<!-- file welcome.php -->
<?php echo 'Ini dari View' ?>
How to use view file in controller are as follows.
// file welcome.php
namespace Controller;
use Kecik\Controller;
class Welcome extends Controller{
public function __construct($app) {
public function welcome() {
return $this->view('welcome');
How to send variable to view are as follows:
// file welcome.php
namespace Controller;
use Kecik\Controller;
class Welcome extends Controller{
public function __construct($app) {
public function welcome($nama) {
return $this->view('welcome', array('nama'=>$nama));
Url is important for help jobs for get value like protocol, base path, base url, also redirect or make link to other route .
For get Protocol value
echo $this->url->protocol(); ####basePath()
For get Base Path value
echo $this->url->basePath(); ####baseUrl()
For Get Base Url value
echo $this->url->baseUrl(); ####redirect($route)
For redirect to other route
$this->url->redirect('login'); ####to($route)
For echo url with route
<a href="<?php $this->to('home') ?>">HOME</a> ####linkTo($route)
For Get Url with Route value
<a href="<?php echo $this->linkTo('home') ?>">Home</a>
For make template in this framework is also simple, you just create template file in directory that you setting before via config. Here is a simple example of code templates
<!-- file template.php -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"> <head>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Simple Template</title>
<meta name="description" content="overview & stats" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<div class="container">
> Sign {{ dan }} just subtitute tag <?php and > for echo you can use {{= it's same <?php echo while want using sign {{ and }} for AngularJS you can use sign \ after its, example \{{ atau \}} , this just simple template engine, but you use php tags.
> The @response atau @yield is to put the output of the controller.
> The @css or @js is to apply the template rendering assets
How to use the template on the route is as follows.
$app->get('welcome/:nama', new Controller\Welcome(), function ($controller, $nama) { return $controller->welcome($nama);
Replace Template
$app->get('admin', function() { if (!isset($_SESSION['login'])) {
// Replace Template
$this->template('login', TRUE);
} else {
$controller = new Controller\Admin($this);
return $controller->index();