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File: readme.txt
Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation for nmDate
Class: nmDate
Date arithmetic operations and format conversion
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Date calculation and manipulation Copyright (c) 2004, Neil Morgan email [email protected] This class was created using algorithms for Julian and Gregorian date manipulation found on the Internet. A search of Google using "Julian Date" or "Julian Date Algorithm" would provide further information. Requirements: PHP4 or better (not tested on PHP3). Features: Date Conversion to and from Julian representation. Date Conversion to and from Gregorian representation. Date and Time calculations. Interval between given dates. Limitations: Must specify long year i.e. 1999 or 2004 instead of '99 or '04 Accepts dates in the UK format i.e. dd/mm/yyyy only. Does not support dates created in the US format i.e. mm/dd/yyyy. Date field separators must be either '/', '.' or '-'. Usage: There are six methods of constructing the nmDate object. $var = new nmDate(); Creates an object with date/time of now. $var = new nmDate('dd/mm/yyyy'); Creates an object with specified date at midnight. $var = new nmDate('TS', Timestamp); Creates an object with specified Timestamp. $var = new nmDate('dd/mm/yyyy','HH:MM:SS'); Creates an object with specified date and time. $var = new nmDate(dd,mm,yyyy); Creates an object with specified days, months and years. $var = new nmDate(dd,mm,yyyy,HH,MM,SS); Creates an object with specified days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds. Methods: $var->ToJul([ ['AD'] | ['BC'] ]); Converts the constructor date to Julian format. Defaults to 'AD'. $var->ToGreg() Converts Julian date to Gregorian format. $var->AddDays(NumberOfDays); $var->AddMonths(NumberOfMonths); $var->AddYears(NumberOfYears); $var->SubDays(NumberOfDays); $var->SubMonths(NumberOfMonths); $var->SubYears(NumberOfYears); Date calculations (addition and subtraction) $var->GetDay(); Returns the day of the week i.e. Monday, Tuesday, etc. $var->GetDateDMY([ [ true ] | [ false ] , [ <Separator> ] ] ); $var->GetDateMDY([ [ true ] | [ false ] , [ <Separator> ] ] ); Returns date in UK or US format. Parameter 1 specifies month in digit or named form i.e. 04 or April. False for digit (default), True for named. <Separator> specifies date field separator, defaults to '/'. $var->SetTime([ [ HH ] , [ MM ] , [ SS ] ]); Sets the time. Default is Midnight i.e. 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds. $var->GetTime( [ <Separator> ] ); Returns the time separated by <Separator> (defaults to ':'). $var->AddMinutes(NumberOfMinutes); $var->AddHours(NumberOfHours); $var->SubMinutes(NumberOfMinutes); $var->SubHours(NumberOfHours); Time calculations (addition and subtraction). Date safe. $var->GetDiff('dd/mm/yyyy','HH:MM:SS'); Calculates the difference in seconds between the current object's date and the given date/time.