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File: FrontEndScripts/Controllers/SiteListController.ts

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File: FrontEndScripts/Controllers/SiteListController.ts
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Small Server Administrator
Web panel for small Debian and Ubuntu servers
Author: By
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 6,395 bytes



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?/* * Copyright © Aleksey Nemiro, 2016. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ module SmallServerAdmin.Controllers { /** * Represents the site list controller. */ export class SiteListController implements Nemiro.IController { public LevelsList = ['Nginx', 'Apache', 'HTAN']; public Scope: any; public Context: Nemiro.AngularContext; /** SSA config. */ public get Config(): Models.Config { return this.Scope.$parent.Config; } /** The list of sites. */ public get Sites(): Array<Models.Site> { return this.Scope.Sites; } public set Sites(value: Array<Models.Site>) { this.Scope.Sites = value; } /** Search string. */ public get SearchString(): string { return this.Scope.SearchString; } public set SearchString(value: string) { this.Scope.SearchString = value; } /** Loading indicator. */ public get Loading(): boolean { return this.Scope.Loading; } public set Loading(value: boolean) { this.Scope.Loading = value; } /** Selected site name to remove. */ public get SelectedItemToRemove(): string { return this.Scope.SelectedItemToRemove; } public set SelectedItemToRemove(value: string) { this.Scope.SelectedItemToRemove = value; } /** Confirm to remove. */ public get ConfirmNameToRemove(): string { return this.Scope.ConfirmNameToRemove; } public set ConfirmNameToRemove(value: string) { this.Scope.ConfirmNameToRemove = value; } private ConfirmToDelete: Nemiro.UI.Dialog; constructor(context: Nemiro.AngularContext) { var $this = this; $this.Context = context; $this.Scope = $this.Context.Scope; $this.SearchString = $['search']; $this.Scope.LevelsList = $this.LevelsList; $this.ConfirmToDelete = Nemiro.UI.Dialog.CreateFromElement($('#confirmToDeleteSite')); $this.Scope.Load = () => { $this.Load($this); } $this.Scope.ShowDialogToDelete = (name: string) => { $this.ConfirmNameToRemove = ''; $this.SelectedItemToRemove = name; $this.ConfirmToDelete.Show(); }; $this.Scope.Delete = () => { $this.Delete($this); } $this.Scope.Search = () => { $'search', $this.SearchString); $this.Load($this); } $this.Scope.ResetSearch = () => { $this.SearchString = ''; $'search', null); $this.Load($this); } $this.Scope.SetStatus = (site: Models.Site, level: string, isEnabled: boolean) => { $this.SetStatus($this, site, level, isEnabled); } $this.Scope.ConfIsEnabled = (level: string, site: Models.Site) => { var result = (level.toLowerCase() == 'all'); for (var i = 0; i < site.Conf.length; i++) { if (level.toLowerCase() == 'all') { if (!site.Conf[i].Enabled) { return false; } } else { if (site.Conf[i].Level.toLowerCase() == level.toLowerCase()) { return site.Conf[i].Enabled; } } } return result; } $this.Load($this); } private Load($this: SiteListController): void { $this = $this || this; $this.Loading = true; // create request var apiRequest = new ApiRequest<Array<Models.Site>>($this.Context, 'Sites.GetSites', { search: $this.SearchString }); // handler successful response to a request to api apiRequest.SuccessCallback = (response) => { $this.Sites =; $this.Loading = false; this.Scope.$parent.CloseProgress(); }; apiRequest.CompleteCallback = () => { $this.Loading = false; }; // execute apiRequest.Execute(); } private Delete($this: SiteListController): void { $this = $this || this; if ($this.ConfirmNameToRemove != $this.SelectedItemToRemove) { Nemiro.UI.Dialog.Alert(App.Resources.IncorrectSiteName, App.Resources.Error); return; } $this.ConfirmToDelete.Close(); $this.Scope.$parent.ShowProgress(Nemiro.Utility.Format(App.Resources.IsRemovedSiteWait, [$this.SelectedItemToRemove]), App.Resources.Deleting); // create request var apiRequest = new ApiRequest<boolean>($this.Context, 'Sites.DeleteSite', { Name: $this.SelectedItemToRemove }); // handler successful response to a request to api apiRequest.SuccessCallback = (response) => { this.Scope.$parent.ShowProgress(App.Resources.LoadingListOfSites, App.Resources.Loading); $this.Load($this); }; // execute apiRequest.Execute(); } private SetStatus($this: SiteListController, site: Models.Site, level: string, isEnabled: boolean): void { site.Loading = true; // create request (todo: typed result) var apiRequest = new ApiRequest<any>($this.Context, 'Sites.SetSiteStatus', { Name: site.Name, IsEnabled: isEnabled, Level: level }); // handler successful response to a request to api apiRequest.SuccessCallback = (response) => { var conf: Array<Models.SiteConf> =; var all = true; for (var i = 0; i < conf.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < site.Conf.length; j++) { if (conf[i].Level == site.Conf[j].Level) { site.Conf[j].Enabled = conf[i].Enabled; break; } } if (!conf[i].Enabled) { all = false; } } site.IsEnabled = all; }; apiRequest.CompleteCallback = () => { site.Loading = false; }; // execute apiRequest.Execute(); } } }