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File: class.graph1

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File: class.graph1
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Description: the graphing class
Class: VH Graph
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Date: 23 years ago
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<?php /* (C) Copywrite 1999 - 2000 Robbin Zhang <[email protected]> Version 1.0Beta, Revision 5 $Id: class.graph1,v 2000/10/16 17:49:19 zhangh Exp $ */ # Check for GD installation if(!function_exists('imagecreate')) { die('VH Graph Requires GD library with PHP'); } # Global variables (local for each site) $fontpath = "./"; # function alias (compatible with version 2.x) function vhplot($a = '') { phpplot($a); } function vhdata(&$a) { phpdata($a); } function vhdraw($n,$a) { phpdraw($n,$a); } function vhshow($f = "") { phpshow($f); } function vhshowgif($f = "") { phpshow($f,'gif'); } function phpshowgif($f = "") { phpshow($f,'gif'); } function vhshowpng($f = "") { phpshow($f,'png'); } function vhshowjpg($f = "") { phpshow($f,'jpg'); } # Four helper functions function phpplot($a = "") { $name = "HZplot"; $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"] = array(); $GLOBALS["$name"] = new PHPplot; $GLOBALS["$name"]->start($a); return $name; } function phpdata($a) { global $HZplot; $HZplot->datasets = $a; $HZplot->background = plotcolor($HZplot->background); if($HZplot->logo) { vhlogo("Created by VH Graph"); } } function pregame() { global $HZplot; $_newbox = new Pplot_box ; $_newbox->layout(); if ($HZplot->options["box"] || $HZplot->cubic) { $_newbox->show(); } $HZplot->options["box"] = false; $_newgrid = new Pplot_grid ; if($HZplot->options["grid"]) { $_newgrid->layout(); } else { $_newgrid->layout(array("xgrid"=>false,"ygrid"=>false)); } $_newgrid->show(); $HZplot->options["grid"] = false; if($HZplot->options["title"]) { $_newtitle = new Pplot_title ; $_newtitle->layout(); $_newtitle->show(); $HZplot->options["title"] = false; } if($HZplot->options["legend"]) { $_newlegend = new Pplot_legend ; $_newlegend->layout(); } $HZplot->pregame = true; } function phpdraw($n,$a) { global $HZplot; $name = md5(microtime()); eval("\$GLOBALS[\"".$name."\"] = new Pplot_".$n.";"); $GLOBALS["$name"]->layout($a); $HZplot->insert($name); return $name; } function phpshow($f = "",$format = 'png') { $GLOBALS["HZplot"]->format = $format; $GLOBALS["HZplot"]->show($f); } # Internal functions and variables function vhlogo($s) { global $HZplot; $vl = new Pplot_text; $vl->layout(array("textfont" => 1, "textcolor"=> plotcolor("egray"), "text" => $s, "pos" => array(10,10) )); list($vlw,$vlh) = $vl->geometry(); $vlx = $HZplot->size[0] - $vlw - 5; $vly = $HZplot->size[1] - 5; $vl->layout(array("pos" => array($vlx,$vly))); $vl->show(); } function plotrgb($n) { global $RGB; if (isset($RGB["$n"])) { return $RGB["$n"]; } return false; } function aplus($a) { $b = array(); if(is_array($a)) { while(list(,$v) = each($a)) { if(is_array($v)) { while(list($k,$val) = each($v)) { $b[$k] += $val; } } else { $b[] = $v; } } return $b; } else { return $a; } } function amerge($a) { $b = array(); if(is_array($a)) { while(list(,$v) = each($a)) { if(is_array($v)) { while(list(,$val) = each($v)) { $b[] = $val; } } else { $b[] = $v; } } return $b; } else { return $a; } } function stralign($a) { $dot = 0; if(is_array($a)) { while(list(,$v) = each($a)) { $v = strrev($v); if(($pos = strpos($v,'.')) >= 0 ) { $dot = $pos > $dot ? $pos : $dot; } } if($dot == 0) { return $a; } reset($a); if($dot > 8) { while(list($i,$v) = each($a)) { $a[$i] = substr($v,0,4); } } else { while(list($i,$v) = each($a)) { if(strpos($v,'.') > 0) { $v = $v . '0000000000000'; } else { $v = $v .'.0000000000000'; } $pos = strpos($v,'.'); $a[$i] = substr($v,0,$pos + $dot + 1); } } } return $a; } function graphsettings(&$n,$a) { while(list($key,$val) = each($a)) { if (!is_object($n)) { eval("\$GLOBALS[\"". $n . "\"]->".$key." = \$val ;"); } else { eval("\$n->".$key." = \$val ;"); } } } function addprop($n,$s) { $name = "Pplot_" . $n ; if(empty($GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["$name"])) { $a = array(); } else { $a = $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["$name"]; } $c = array(); while(list($k,$v) = each($a)) { $c["$k"] = $v; } while(list($k,$v) = each($s)) { $c["$k"] = $v; } $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["$name"] = $c ; } function plotcolor($n) { global $HZplot; if ($c = plotrgb($n)) { $ix = ImageColorExact($HZplot->image,$c[0],$c[1],$c[2]); if ( $ix < 0 ) { $ix = ImageColorAllocate($HZplot->image,$c[0],$c[1],$c[2]); } return $ix; } if (ereg("([0-9]{1,})",$n,$regs)) { return $n; } return plotcolor("white"); } function drawaxis() { global $HZplot; if($HZplot->options["yaxis"]) { $_newyaxis = new Pplot_yaxis ; if ($HZplot->yextend) { graphsettings($_newyaxis,array("tick" => false, "cubic" => false, "mark" => true,"label"=> true )); } else { graphsettings($_newyaxis,array("mark" => true,"label"=> true )); } $_newyaxis->layout(); $_newyaxis->show(); } if($HZplot->options["xaxis"]) { $_newxaxis = new Pplot_xaxis ; if(!$HZplot->zeroaxis) { $HZplot->zeroline = false; } graphsettings($_newxaxis,array( "mark" => true,"label"=> true,"cubic"=> false )); $_newxaxis->layout(); $_newxaxis->show(); } if($HZplot->options["y2axis"]) { $_newy2axis = new Pplot_y2axis ; graphsettings($_newy2axis,array("mark" => true, "label"=> true, "cubic" => false )); $_newy2axis->layout(); $_newy2axis->show(); } } function grange($a,$y2) { global $HZplot; $min = 10000000.0; $max =-10000000.0; while(list(,$v) = each($a)) { if($v > $max) { $max = $v; } if($v < $min) { $min = $v; } } $max = $max > 0 ? $max : 0; $min = $min > 0 ? 0 : $min; $delta = $max - $min; if($delta == 0) { $delta = 1; $max = $min + $delta; } $range = pow(10, floor(log10($delta))); if ( $min * $max == 0) { if($max > 0) { for($i=1 ; $i <= 10 ; ++$i) { $num = $i * $range; if($num > $max) { $max = $num; $ticknum = $i; break; } } } if ($min < 0) { for($i=1 ; $i <= 10 ; ++$i) { $num = - $i * $range; if($num < $min) { $min = $num ; $ticknum = $i; break; } } } } if( $min * $max < 0 ) { $range = pow(10, floor(log10($delta)) - 1 ); for($i=5 ; $i <= 100; $i += 5 ) { $num = $i * $range ; if($num > $max) { $max = $num; $maxt= (int)($i / 5); break; } } for($i=5 ; $i <=100; $i += 5 ) { $num = - $i * $range ; if($num < $min) { $min = $num; $mint= (int)($i / 5); break; } } $ticknum = $mint + $maxt; } if($y2 && $HZplot->yrange) { $ymin = $HZplot->yrange[0]; $ymax = $HZplot->yrange[1]; $ytick= $HZplot->yrange[2]; $ydel = ($ymax - $ymin) / $ytick; $ymaxt = $ymax / $ydel ; $ymint = -$ymin / $ydel; $y2min = $min; $y2max = $max; $ticknum = $ytick; if( $ymin * $ymax < 0 ) { if($y2min * $y2max < 0) { while($ymaxt * $range < $y2max) { $range = $range * 2; } while( - $ymint * $range > $y2min) { $range = $range * 2; } $max = $ymaxt * $range ; $min = - $ymint * $range; } else { if ($y2max > 0) { while($ymaxt * $range < $y2max) { $range = $range * 2; } $max = $ymaxt * $range ; $min = - $ymint * $range; } else { while( - $ymint * $range > $y2min) { $range = $range * 2; } $max = $ymaxt * $range ; $min = - $ymint * $range; } } } else { if($y2min * $y2max < 0) { if($ymax > 0) { while($ymaxt * $range < $y2max) { $range = $range * 2; } $max = $ymaxt * $range; $min = 0; } else { while( - $ymint * $range > $y2min) { $range = $range * 2; } $max = 0; $min = - $ymint * $range; } } else { if($ymax == 0) { if($y2max == 0) { while( - $ymint * $range > $y2min) { $range = $range * 2; } $min = - $ymint * $range; } else { $max = 0; $min = -1; } } else { if($y2max == 0) { $max = 1 ; $min = 0; } else { while( $ymaxt * $range < $y2max ) { $range = $range * 2; } $max = $ymaxt * $range; } } } } } return array($min,$max,$ticknum); } $RGB = array( "white" => array(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF), "black" => array(0x00,0x00,0x00), "gray" => array(0x7F,0x7F,0x7F), "lgray" => array(0xBF,0xBF,0xBF), "egray" => array(0xDD,0xDD,0xDD), "dgray" => array(0x3F,0x3F,0x3F), "blue" => array(0x00,0x00,0xBF), "lblue" => array(0x00,0x00,0xFF), "dblue" => array(0x00,0x00,0x7F), "yellow" => array(0xBF,0xBF,0x00), "lyellow" => array(0xFF,0xFF,0x00), "dyellow" => array(0x7F,0x7F,0x00), "green" => array(0x00,0xBF,0x00), "lgreen" => array(0x00,0xFF,0x00), "dgreen" => array(0x00,0x7F,0x00), "red" => array(0xBF,0x00,0x00), "lred" => array(0xFF,0x00,0x00), "dred" => array(0x7F,0x00,0x00), "purple" => array(0xBF,0x00,0xBF), "lpurple" => array(0xFF,0x00,0xFF), "dpurple" => array(0x7F,0x00,0x7F), "gold" => array(0xFF,0xD7,0x00), "pink" => array(0xFF,0xB7,0xC1), "dpink" => array(0xFF,0x69,0xB4), "marine" => array(0x7F,0x7F,0xFF), "cyan" => array(0x00,0xFF,0xFF), "lcyan" => array(0xE0,0xFF,0xFF), "maroon" => array(0x80,0x00,0x00), "olive" => array(0x80,0x80,0x00), "navy" => array(0x00,0x00,0x80), "teal" => array(0x00,0x80,0x80), "silver" => array(0xC0,0xC0,0xC0), "lime" => array(0x00,0xFF,0x00), "khaki" => array(0xF0,0xE6,0x8C), "lsteelblue" => array(0xB0,0xC4,0xDE), "seagreen" => array(0x3C,0xB3,0x71), "lseagreen" => array(0x20,0xB2,0xAA), "skyblue" => array(0x87,0xCE,0xEB), "lskyblue" => array(0x87,0xCE,0xFA), "slateblue" => array(0x6A,0x5A,0xCD), "slategray" => array(0x70,0x80,0x90), "steelblue" => array(0x46,0x82,0xB4), "tan" => array(0xD2,0xB4,0x8C), "violet" => array(0xEE,0x82,0xEE), "wheat" => array(0xF5,0xDE,0xB3) ); class PHPplot { var $classname = "PHPplot"; var $image = false; var $margin = array(0,0,0,0); var $children = array(); var $interlace = true; var $size = array(400,300); var $ttf = false; var $background= "white"; var $transparent= false; var $options = array( "box" => true, "grid" => true, "title" => true, "yaxis" => true, "xaxis" => true, "y2axis" => false, "legend" => true); var $pregame = false; var $logo = true; var $datasets = array(); var $xmarkset = false; var $ymarkset = false; var $y2markset = false; var $xrange = false; var $yrange = false; var $y2range = false; var $xextend = true; var $yextend = false; var $cubic = false; var $zeroline = true; var $zero = true; var $stack = false; var $zeroaxis = false; var $length = 0; var $height = 0; var $colorset = array("cyan","lred","green","lblue","pink","purple","gold","marine"); var $lepos = false; var $ledir = false; var $format = false; function start($param = "") { $this->settings($param); $this->image = ImageCreate($this->size[0],$this->size[1]); } function insert($c) { $this->children[] = $c ; } function settings($param) { if(empty($param)) { return ; } while(list($key,$val) = each($param)) { if (ereg("(.*)_(.*)",$key,$regs)) { addprop("$regs[1]",array($regs[2] => $val)); $this->options["$regs[1]"] = true; continue; } if (isset($this->options["$key"])) { $this->options["$key"] = $val; continue; } eval( "\$this->".$key." = \$val ;"); } $this->options["y2axis"] = false; } function show($f = "") { global $HZplot; reset($this->children); while(list($key,$ch) = each($this->children)) { $GLOBALS["$ch"]->show(); } drawaxis(); if($HZplot->transparent) { ImageColorTransparent($HZplot->image,$HZplot->background); } ImageInterlace($HZplot->image,$HZplot->interlace); if(!empty($f)) { if(function_exists('imagepng') && $HZplot->format == 'png') { ImagePNG($HZplot->image,$f); } else if ($HZplot->format == 'gif') { ImageGIF($HZplot->image,$f); } else { ImageJPEG($HZplot->image,$f,95); } } else { if(function_exists('imagepng') && $HZplot->format == 'png') { Header("Content-type: image/png"); ImagePNG($HZplot->image); } else if ($HZplot->format == 'gif') { Header("Content-type: image/gif"); ImageGIF($HZplot->image); } else { Header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); ImageJPEG($HZplot->image,"",95); } } ImageDestroy($HZplot->image); unset($HZplot); } function parsedata($b,$y2 = "") { global $HZplot; $totset = count($b); $a = $this->datasets ; if(!$this->xmarkset) { $this->xmarkset = $a[0]; } $nsets = count($a); $tmp = $b[$totset - 1]; $y2set = $a["$tmp"]; if($nsets < 2) { echo "Data error\n"; exit; } $npnts = count($this->xmarkset); for($i = 0; $i < $nsets; ++$i) { if(count($a["$i"]) != $npnts) { echo "Data error\n"; exit ; } } if(!$this->yrange) { $yd = array(); if($totset > 1) { for($i=0; $i< $totset - 1; ++$i) { $yd[] = $a["$b[$i]"]; } if(!$y2) { $tmp = $b[$totset - 1]; $yd[] = $a["$tmp"]; } if ($HZplot->stack) { $yd = aplus($yd); } $yd = amerge($yd); } else { $yd = $a["$b[0]"]; } if($this->ymarkset) { $tmp = $this->ymarkset; $tmpc = count($tmp) - 1; $this->yrange = array($tmp[0],$tmp[$tmpc],$tmpc); } else { $this->yrange = grange($yd,false); } } if(!$this->ymarkset) { $delty = ($this->yrange[1] - $this->yrange[0])/$this->yrange[2]; for($i = 0; $i <= $this->yrange[2]; ++$i) { $num = $this->yrange[0] + $i * $delty; if (log10(abs($num)) < -8 ) { $num = 0; } $this->ymarkset[$i] = $num; } $this->ymarkset = stralign($this->ymarkset); } if($y2) { if(empty($this->y2range)) { if($this->y2markset) { $tmp = $this->y2markset; $tmpc = count($tmp) - 1; $this->y2range = array($tmp[0],$tmp[$tmpc],$tmpc); } else { $this->y2range = grange($y2set,true); } } if(!$this->y2markset) { $delty2=($this->y2range[1]-$this->y2range[0])/$this->y2range[2]; for($i = 0; $i <= $this->y2range[2]; ++$i) { $num2 = $this->y2range[0] + $i * $delty2; if (log10(abs($num2)) < -8 ) { $num2 = 0; } $this->y2markset[$i] = $num2; } $this->y2markset = stralign($this->y2markset); } } } } class Pplot_base { var $classname = "Pplot_base"; var $text = "My Plot"; var $textcolor = "black"; var $textsize = 12; var $textfont = 2; var $color = "black"; var $pos = array(0,0); var $shift = array(0,0); var $scale = 1; var $ttf = false; function position($a = "") { global $HZplot; $cname = $this->classname; if(is_array($GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["$cname"])) { $pa = $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["$cname"]; while(list($k,$v) = each($pa)) { eval( "\$this->".$k." = \$v ;"); } } if(is_array($a)) { while(list($k,$v) = each($a)) { eval( "\$this->".$k." = \$v ;"); } } $this->textcolor = plotcolor($this->textcolor); $this->color = plotcolor($this->color); $this->pos[0] += $this->shift[0]; $this->pos[1] += $this->shift[1]; } } class Pplot_text extends Pplot_base { var $classname = "Pplot_text"; var $border = false; var $degree = 0; function geometry() { global $fontpath,$HZplot; if($this->ttf || $HZplot->ttf) { if(!$this->ttf) { $this->ttf = $HZplot->ttf; } $font = $fontpath . $this->ttf . ".ttf"; $fsize = ImageTTFBBox($this->textsize,0,$font,$this->text); $fw = $fsize[2] - $fsize[0] + 4; $fh = $fsize[1] - $fsize[7] + 4; } else { $fh = ImageFontHeight($this->textfont); $fw = ImageFontWidth($this->textfont) * strlen($this->text); } if ($this->border) { $fw += 5; $fh +=5; } return array($fw,$fh); } function layout($a = "") { $this->position($a); $this->geometry(); } function show() { global $HZplot, $fontpath; list($tfw,$tfh) = $this->geometry(); if($this->ttf) { $font = $fontpath . $this->ttf . ".ttf"; ImageTTFText($HZplot->image,$this->textsize,$this->degree, $this->pos[0],$this->pos[1],$this->textcolor, $font,$this->text); $x1 = $this->pos[0]; $y1 = $this->pos[1] - $tfh; $x2 = $this->pos[0] + $tfw; $y2 = $this->pos[1]; } else { if($this->degree >0) { $this->pos[0] -= ( $tfh - 3 ); ImageStringUp($HZplot->image,$this->textfont,$this->pos[0], $this->pos[1],$this->text,$this->textcolor); $x1 = $this->pos[0] - 3 ; $y1 = $this->pos[1] - $tfw + 3 ; $x2 = $x1 + $tfh; $y2 = $y1 + $tfw + 3; } else { $this->pos[1] -= ( $tfh - 3 ); ImageString($HZplot->image,$this->textfont,$this->pos[0], $this->pos[1],$this->text,$this->textcolor); $x1 = $this->pos[0] - 3 ; $y1 = $this->pos[1] - 3; $x2 = $x1 + $tfw; $y2 = $y1 + $tfh; } } if($this->border) { ImageRectangle($HZplot->image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$this->textcolor); } } } class Pplot_title extends Pplot_text { var $classname = "Pplot_title"; var $location = "topcenter"; var $textfont = 4; var $textsize = 18; function layout($a = "") { global $HZplot; $this->position($a); $pa = $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["Pplot_title"]; if(!empty($pa["color"])) { $this->textcolor = $this->color; } if(!empty($pa["pos"])) { $this->pos[0] += $this->shift[0]; $this->pos[1] += $this->shift[1]; } else { list($tw,$th) = $this->geometry(); $len = $HZplot->size[0] - $HZplot->margin[0] - $HZplot->margin[1]; $this->pos[0] += round($HZplot->margin[0] + $len / 2 - $tw /2 ); if($this->location != "topcenter") { $this->pos[1] += round($HZplot->size[1] - $th / 2); } else { $this->pos[1] += round($HZplot->margin[2] - 0.5 * $th); if($HZplot->cubic) { $this->pos[0] += 6; $this->pos[1] += -6; } } } } } class Pplot_line extends Pplot_base { var $classname = "Pplot_line"; var $start = array(0,0); var $end = array(0,0); var $cubic = false; var $dash = false; var $fillcolor = false; function layout($a = "") { $this->position($a); $this->start[0] += $this->shift[0]; $this->start[1] += $this->shift[1]; $this->end[0] += $this->shift[0]; $this->end[1] += $this->shift[1]; $this->fillcolor = plotcolor($this->fillcolor); } function show() { global $HZplot; if($this->cubic) { $x1 = $this->start[0]; $y1 = $this->start[1]; $x2 = $this->end[0]; $y2 = $this->end[1]; $x3 = $x2 + 6 ; $y3 = $y2 - 6 ; $x4 = $x1 + 6 ; $y4 = $y1 - 6 ; if($this->fillcolor) { ImageFilledPolygon($HZplot->image,array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x4,$y4),4,$this->fillcolor); } ImagePolygon($HZplot->image,array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x4,$y4),4,$this->color); } else { if($this->dash) { ImageDashedLine($HZplot->image,$this->start[0],$this->start[1],$this->end[0],$this->end[1],$this->color); } else { ImageLine($HZplot->image,$this->start[0],$this->start[1], $this->end[0],$this->end[1],$this->color); } } } } class Pplot_point extends Pplot_base { var $classname = "Pplot_point"; var $pointtype = 0; var $pointwidth= 8; var $filled = false; var $showvalue = false; var $valuefont = 3; var $valuecolor= "black"; var $valuesize = 10; var $valuettf = false; var $textshift = array(7,-5); function geometry() { $psize = round($this->pointwidth * $this->scale); return array($psize,$psize); } function layout($a = "") { $this->position($a); } function show() { global $HZplot; list($psize,) = $this->geometry(); $half = round($psize / 2); $cx = $this->pos[0]; $cy = $this->pos[1]; switch($this->pointtype % 6) { case 0 : $x1 = $cx - $half ; $y1 = $cy - $half ; $x2 = $cx + $half ; $y2 = $cy + $half ; ImageRectangle($HZplot->image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$this->color); break; case 1 : ImageArc($HZplot->image,$cx,$cy,$psize,$psize,0,360,$this->color); break; case 2 : $pts = array(); $pts[] = $cx - $half ; $pts[] = $cy + $half; $pts[] = $cx + $half ; $pts[] = $cy + $half; $pts[] = $cx ; $pts[] = $cy - $half; ImagePolygon($HZplot->image,$pts,3,$this->color); break; case 3 : $pts = array(); $pts[] = $cx + $half; $pts[] = $cy ; $pts[] = $cx ; $pts[] = $cy - $half ; $pts[] = $cx - $half; $pts[] = $cy ; $pts[] = $cx ; $pts[] = $cy + $half; ImagePolygon($HZplot->image,$pts,4,$this->color); break; case 4 : $x1 = $cx - $half; $y1 = $cy - $half; $x2 = $cx + $half; $y2 = $cy + $half; ImageLine($HZplot->image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$this->color); $x1 = $cx - $half; $y1 = $cy + $half; $x2 = $cx + $half; $y2 = $cy - $half; ImageLine($HZplot->image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$this->color); break; case 5 : $x1 = $cx - $half; $y1 = $cy ; $x2 = $cx + $half; $y2 = $cy ; ImageLine($HZplot->image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$this->color); break; } if ($this->filled) { ImageFillToBorder($HZplot->image,$cx,$cy,$this->color,$this->color); } if ($this->showvalue) { $vt = new Pplot_text; $vt->layout(array( "textfont" => $this->valuefont, "textsize" => $this->valuesize, "shift" => $this->textshift, "textcolor" => $this->valuecolor, "text" => $this->text, "pos" => array($cx,$cy), "ttf" => $this->valuettf )); $vt->show(); } } } class Pplot_box extends Pplot_base { var $classname = "Pplot_box"; var $showbox = false; var $boxsize = "medium"; var $xscale = 1.0; var $yscale = 1.0; var $shadow = false; var $length; var $height; function layout($a = "") { global $HZplot; $this->position($a); $pa = $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["Pplot_box"]; $gifx = $HZplot->size[0]; $gify = $HZplot->size[1]; if( $this->boxsize == "small" ) { $scale = 0.5 * $this->scale; } if( $this->boxsize == "medium") { $scale = 0.75 * $this->scale; } if( $this->boxsize == "big" ) { $scale = 0.85 * $this->scale; } $this->length = round($gifx * $scale * $this->xscale ); $this->height = round($gify * $scale * $this->yscale ); if(!empty($pa["pos"])) { $this->pos[0] += $this->shift[0]; $this->pos[1] += $this->shift[1]; } else { $this->pos[0] += round(($gifx - $this->length)/2); $this->pos[1] += round(($gify - $this->height)/2); } $HZplot->margin[0] = $this->pos[0]; $HZplot->margin[1] = $gifx - $this->pos[0] - $this->length; $HZplot->margin[2] = $this->pos[1]; $HZplot->margin[3] = $gify - $this->pos[1] - $this->height; $HZplot->length = $this->length; $HZplot->height = $this->height; if($HZplot->zero) { $z = $HZplot->yrange; if(!empty($z)) { if(($z[0] * $z[1] < 0) || ($z[1] == 0) ) { $deltay = $this->height / $z[2]; $deltav = ($z[1] - $z[0]) / $z[2]; for($i=1; $i <= $z[2]; ++$i) { $num = $z[0] + $i * $deltav; if (log10(abs($num)) < -8 ) { $HZplot->zero = $i * $deltay; break; } } } } } } function show() { global $HZplot; $x1 = $this->pos[0]; $y1 = $this->pos[1]; $x2 = $this->pos[0] + $this->length; $y2 = $this->pos[1] + $this->height; if($HZplot->cubic) { $this->showbox = false ;} if($this->showbox && !$HZplot->cubic) { if($this->shadow) { $shadowclr = plotcolor("egray"); $sx1 = $x1 + 6; $sy1 = $y1 - 6 ; $sx2 = $sx1 + $this->length; $sy2 = $y1 ; ImageFilledRectangle($HZplot->image,$sx1,$sy1,$sx2, $sy2,$shadowclr); $sx1 = $x2 ; $sx2 = $sx1 + 6; $sy2 = $sy1 + $this->height; ImageFilledRectangle($HZplot->image,$sx1,$sy1,$sx2, $sy2,$shadowclr); } ImageRectangle($HZplot->image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$this->color); } if($HZplot->cubic) { $sx1 = $x1 ; $sy1 = $y1 ; $ex1 = $x1 + $this->length; $ey1 = $sy1; $nl = new Pplot_line; $nl->layout(array( "start" => array($sx1,$sy1), "end" => array($ex1,$ey1), "shift" => array(6,-6), "color" => $this->color )); $nl->show() ; unset($nl); $sx2 = $x1 ; $sy2 = $y1 + $this->height; $ex2 = $x1 + $this->length; $ey2 = $sy2; $nl = new Pplot_line; $nl->layout(array( "start" => array($sx2,$sy2), "end" => array($ex2,$ey2), "shift" => array(6,-6), "color" => $this->color )); $nl->show() ; if($HZplot->zero > 1 ) { $sy2 = $HZplot->size[1] - round($HZplot->zero) - $HZplot->margin[3]; $ey2 = $sy2; } $sx3 = $x1 ; $sy3 = $y1 + $this->height; $ex3 = $x1 ; $ey3 = $y1; $nl = new Pplot_line; $nl->layout(array( "start" => array($sx3,$sy3), "end" => array($ex3,$ey3), "cubic" => true, "color" => $this->color )); $nl->show() ; unset($nl); $sx4 = $x1 + $this->length; $sy4 = $y1 + $this->height; $ex4 = $sx4; $ey4 = $y1; $nl = new Pplot_line; $nl->layout(array( "start" => array($sx4,$sy4), "end" => array($ex4,$ey4), "shift" => array(6,-6), "color" => $this->color )); $nl->show() ; unset($nl); } } } class Pplot_grid extends Pplot_base { var $classname = "Pplot_grid"; var $xgrid = true; var $ygrid = true; var $xdash = false; var $ydash = false; var $color = "lgray"; var $mxgrid= 1; var $mygrid= 1; function layout($a = "") { $this->position($a); } function show() { global $HZplot; $x1 = $HZplot->margin[0]; $x2 = $HZplot->size[0] - $HZplot->margin[1]; $y1 = $HZplot->margin[2]; $y2 = $HZplot->size[1] - $HZplot->margin[3]; $length = $HZplot->length; $height = $HZplot->height; $cntx = count($HZplot->xmarkset) - 1; if ($HZplot->xextend) { $cntx += 2 ;} $cnty = count($HZplot->ymarkset) - 1; if ($HZplot->yextend) { $cnty += 2 ;} $mcntx = $cntx * $this->mxgrid; $mcnty = $cnty * $this->mygrid; $deltax = $length / $mcntx ; $deltay = $height / $mcnty ; $cshift = array(0,0); if($HZplot->cubic) { $cshift = array(6,-6); } $nyaxis = new Pplot_yaxis; $nyaxis->layout(); if($this->ygrid) { for($i = 1; $i < $mcnty ; ++$i) { if(($i % $nyaxis->tickskip) != 0 ) { continue; } $sx = $x1 ; $sy = $y2 - round($i * $deltay); $ex = $sx + $length; $ey = $sy; $nl = new Pplot_line; $nl->layout(array( "start" => array($sx,$sy), "end" => array($ex,$ey), "color" => $this->color, "dash" => $this->ydash, "shift" => $cshift )); $nl->show() ; unset($nl); } } if($HZplot->yaxis) { $nyaxis->show(); } unset($nyaxis); $naxis = new Pplot_xaxis; $naxis->layout(array("tick"=>false)); if($this->xgrid) { for($i = 1; $i < $mcntx ; ++$i) { if(($i % $naxis->tickskip) != 0 ) { continue; } $sx = $x1 + round($i * $deltax) ; $sy = $y2 ; $ex = $sx ; $ey = $y1; $nl = new Pplot_line; $nl->layout(array( "start" => array($sx,$sy), "end" => array($ex,$ey), "color" => $this->color, "dash" => $this->xdash, "shift" => $cshift )); $nl->show() ; unset($nl); } } if ($HZplot->zeroline && $HZplot->zero > 1) { $naxis->show(); } elseif ($HZplot->zeroline && $HZplot->zero <= 1) { if($HZplot->options["xaxis"]) { $naxis->show(); } } unset($naxis); if(!$HZplot->zeroaxis) { $_newxaxis = new Pplot_xaxis ; if(!$HZplot->zeroaxis) { $HZplot->zeroline = false; } graphsettings($_newxaxis,array( "mark" => true,"label"=> true,"cubic"=> $HZplot->cubic )); $_newxaxis->layout(); if($HZplot->options["xaxis"]) { $_newxaxis->show(); } unset($_newxaxis); } } } class Pplot_axis extends Pplot_base { var $classname = "Pplot_axis"; var $axis = true; var $tick = true; var $ticklength = 4; var $tickskip = 1; var $mark = false; var $markcolor = "black"; var $markfont = 2; var $markttf = false; var $marksize = 10; var $markskip = 1; var $markdegree = 0; var $markshift = array(0,0); var $label = false; var $labelfont = 3; var $labeltext = "X axis"; var $labelcolor = "black"; var $labelsize = 14; var $labelpos = "center"; var $labeldegree= "0"; var $labelshift = array(0,0); var $labelttf = false; var $direction = "x"; var $fillcolor = "lgray"; var $cubic = true; var $data; var $start; var $end; function layout($a = "") { global $HZplot; $this->position($a); $this->start[0] += $this->shift[0]; $this->start[1] += $this->shift[1]; $this->end[0] += $this->shift[0]; $this->end[1] += $this->shift[1]; $this->color = plotcolor($this->color); $this->textcolor = plotcolor($this->textcolor); $this->fillcolor = plotcolor($this->fillcolor); if(!$HZplot->cubic) { $this->cubic = false; } $cname = $this->classname ; $pa = $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["$cname"]; if(!empty($pa["textcolor"])) { $this->markcolor = $this->textcolor; $this->labelcolor= $this->textcolor; } if($HZplot->zeroaxis) { $HZplot->zeroline = true; } } function show() { global $HZplot; if ($this->direction == "x") { if($HZplot->zero > 1 && $HZplot->zeroline) { $this->start[1] = $HZplot->size[1] - round($HZplot->zero) - $HZplot->margin[3]; $this->end[1] = $this->start[1]; } } $y2shift = array(0,0); if ($HZplot->cubic && $this->direction == "y2" ) { $y2shift = array(6,-6); } if($this->axis) { $nl = new Pplot_line; if($this->direction == "y2") { $nl->layout( array( "start" => $this->start, "end" => $this->end, "color" => $this->color, "shift" => $y2shift )); } else { $nl->layout( array( "start" => $this->start, "end" => $this->end, "color" => $this->color, "cubic" => $this->cubic, "fillcolor" => $this->fillcolor )); } $nl->show() ; unset($nl); } $x1 = $HZplot->margin[0]; $x2 = $HZplot->size[0] - $HZplot->margin[1]; $y1 = $HZplot->margin[2]; $y2 = $HZplot->size[1] - $HZplot->margin[3]; $length = $x2 - $x1; $height = $y2 - $y1; $cntx = count($HZplot->xmarkset) - 1; $cnty = count($HZplot->ymarkset) - 1; if (!$HZplot->y2markset) { $yr2 = $HZplot->yrange; if(is_array($yr2)) { $cnty2 = $yr2[2]; } else { $cnty2 = 1; } } else { $cnty2 = count($HZplot->y2markset) - 1; } if ($HZplot->xextend) { $cntx += 2 ;} if ($HZplot->yextend) { $cnty += 2 ;} $deltax = $length / $cntx ; $deltay = $height / $cnty ; if($this->direction == "y2") { $deltay2= $height / $cnty2; } if($this->direction == "x") { $cnt = $cntx; $markset = $HZplot->xmarkset; } if($this->direction == "y") { $cnt = $cnty; $markset = $HZplot->ymarkset; } if($this->direction == "y2"){ $cnt = $cnty2;$markset = $HZplot->y2markset; } for($i = 0; $i <= $cnt ; ++$i) { if($this->direction == "x") { $sx = $this->start[0] + round($i * $deltax); $sy = $this->start[1]; $ex = $sx ; $ey = $sy - $this->ticklength; } elseif ($this->direction == "y") { $sx = $this->start[0]; $sy = $this->start[1] - round($i * $deltay); $ex = $sx + $this->ticklength; $ey = $sy; } else { $sx = $this->start[0]; $sy = $this->start[1] - round($i * $deltay2); $ex = $sx - $this->ticklength; $ey = $sy; } if ( $this->direction == "x" && $HZplot->xextend) { if($i == 0 || $i == $cntx) { continue; } } if ( $this->direction == "y" && $HZplot->yextend) { if($i == 0 || $i == $cnty ) { continue; } } if($this->tick) { if(($i % $this->tickskip) != 0 ) { continue; } if($this->direction == "y2") { $y2cubic = false; } else { $y2cubic = $this->cubic; } $nl = new Pplot_line; $nl->layout(array( "start" => array($sx,$sy), "end" => array($ex,$ey), "color" => $this->color, "shift" => $y2shift, "cubic" => $y2cubic )); $nl->show() ; unset($nl); } if($this->mark) { $mmfw = 0; if(($i % $this->markskip) != 0) { continue; } $k = $i ; if($this->direction == "x") { if($HZplot->xextend) { $k = $i - 1; if($k <0) { continue ; } } } if($this->direction == "y") { if($HZplot->yextend) { $k = $i - 1; if($k <0) { continue ; } } } $nm = new Pplot_text; $nm->layout(array( "textfont" => $this->markfont, "textsize" => $this->marksize, "textcolor"=> $this->markcolor, "degree" => $this->markdegree, "text" => $markset[$k], "ttf" => $this->markttf )); list($mfw,$mfh) = $nm->geometry(); if($mfw > $mmfw) { $mmfw = $mfw; } if($this->direction == "x") { $sx = $sx - round($mfw / 2); $sy = $sy + $mfh ; } elseif ($this->direction == "y") { $sx = $sx - $mfw - 2; $sy = $sy + round($mfh/2); } else { $sx = $sx + 4 + $y2shift[0]; $sy = $sy + round($mfh/2) - 2 + $y2shift[1]; } $nm->layout(array( "pos" => array($sx,$sy), "shift" => $this->markshift )); $nm->show(); unset($nm); } } if($this->label) { $nlabel = new Pplot_text; $nlabel->layout(array( "textfont" => $this->labelfont, "textsize" => $this->labelsize, "shift" => $this->labelshift, "text" => $this->labeltext, "ttf" => $this->labelttf, "degree" => $this->labeldegree, "pos" => array(50,50), "textcolor"=> $this->labelcolor )); list($lfw,$lfh) = $nlabel->geometry(); if($this->direction == "x") { if($this->labelpos == "center") { $lx = $x1 + round(($length - $lfw)/2 ); } else { $lx = $this->end[0] - $lfw; } $ly = $this->start[1] + $lfh + $mfh ; } elseif ($this->direction == "y") { if($this->labelpos == "center") { $ly = $this->start[1] - round(($height - $lfw)/2); } else { $ly = $this->start[1] - $height + $lfw; } $lx = $this->start[0] - $lfh - $mmfw ; } else { if($this->labelpos == "center") { $ly = $this->start[1] - round(($height - $lfw)/2) + $y2shift[1]; } else { $ly = $this->start[1] - $height + $lfw + $y2shift[1]; } $lx = $this->start[0] + $lfh + $mmfw + $y2shift[0] + 4; } $nlabel->layout(array( "pos" => array($lx,$ly) )); $nlabel->show(); unset($nlabel); } } } class Pplot_xaxis extends Pplot_axis { var $classname = "Pplot_xaxis"; function Pplot_xaxis() { global $HZplot; $this->start[0] = $HZplot->margin[0]; $this->start[1] = $HZplot->size[1] - $HZplot->margin[3]; $this->end[0] = $HZplot->size[0] - $HZplot->margin[1]; $this->end[1] = $this->start[1]; } } class Pplot_yaxis extends Pplot_axis { var $classname = "Pplot_yaxis"; var $direction = "y"; var $labeltext = "Y axis"; var $labeldegree = "90"; var $fillcolor = "white"; function Pplot_yaxis() { global $HZplot; $this->start[0] = $HZplot->margin[0]; $this->start[1] = $HZplot->size[1] - $HZplot->margin[3]; $this->end[0] = $HZplot->margin[0]; $this->end[1] = $HZplot->margin[2]; } } class Pplot_y2axis extends Pplot_axis { var $classname = "Pplot_y2axis"; var $direction = "y2"; var $labeltext = "Y2 axis"; var $labeldegree = "90"; function Pplot_y2axis() { global $HZplot; $this->start[0] = $HZplot->size[0] - $HZplot->margin[1]; $this->start[1] = $HZplot->size[1] - $HZplot->margin[3]; $this->end[0] = $this->start[0]; $this->end[1] = $HZplot->margin[2]; } } class Pplot_bar extends Pplot_base { var $classname = "Pplot_bar"; var $length = 50; var $height = 50; var $border = true; var $negative = false; var $bordercolor = "black"; function Pplot_bar ($s,$l,$h,$c,$bc = "") { $this->position(array("pos" => $s, "length" => $l, "height" => $h, "color" => $c )); $this->bordercolor = plotcolor($this->bordercolor); if(!empty($bc)) { $this->bordercolor = plotcolor($bc); } } function show() { global $HZplot; if ($HZplot->cubic) { $this->border = true; } $x1 = $this->pos[0]; $y1 = $this->pos[1]; $x2 = $x1 + $this->length; $y2 = $y1 - $this->height; $x3 = $x2; $y3 = $y1; $x4 = $x1; $y4 = $y2; ImageFilledPolygon($HZplot->image, array($x1,$y1,$x3,$y3,$x2,$y2,$x4,$y4),4,$this->color); if($this->border ) { ImagePolygon($HZplot->image, array($x1,$y1,$x3,$y3,$x2,$y2,$x4,$y4),4,$this->bordercolor); } if($HZplot->cubic) { $nc = new Pplot_line; if(!$this->negative) { $nc->layout(array( "start" => array($x3,$y3), "end" => array($x2,$y2), "cubic" => true, "color" => $this->bordercolor, "fillcolor" => $this->color )); $nc->show(); unset($nc); $nc = new Pplot_line; $nc->layout(array( "start" => array($x4,$y4), "end" => array($x2,$y2), "cubic" => true, "color" => $this->bordercolor, "fillcolor" => $this->color )); $nc->show(); unset($nc); } else { ImageFilledPolygon($HZplot->image, array($x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x3+6,$y3-6,$x2+6,$y2),4,$this->color); ImagePolygon($HZplot->image, array($x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x3+6,$y3-6,$x2+6,$y2),4,$this->bordercolor); } } } } class Pplot_legend extends Pplot_base { var $classname = "Pplot_legend"; var $type = 10; var $width = 10; var $filled = false; function layout($a = "") { global $HZplot; $this->position($a); if(!$HZplot->lepos) { $HZplot->lepos[0] = 0 + $this->shift[0]; $HZplot->lepos[1] = 0 + $this->shift[1]; if($HZplot->ledir == "x") { $nly = $HZplot->size[1] - $HZplot->margin[3]; list($nlw,$nlh) = $this->geometry(); $nly += $nlh; $nlx = $HZplot->margin[0] + 0.5 * $HZplot->length - 0.5 * ( 60 * (count($HZplot->datasets) - 1)); } else { $nlx = $HZplot->size[0] - $HZplot->margin[1] + 20; $nly = $HZplot->margin[2]; $HZplot->ledir = "y"; } $HZplot->lepos[0] += round($nlx); $HZplot->lepos[1] += $nly; } } function geometry() { $psize = $this->scale * $this->width; $nlt = new Pplot_text; $nlt->layout(array( "text" => $this->text, "textfont" => $this->textfont, "textsize" => $this->textsize, "ttf" => $this->ttf )); list($nltw,$nlth) = $nlt->geometry(); unset($nlt); return array(($nltw + $psize + 5),$nlth); } function show() { global $HZplot; if(!$HZplot->options["legend"]) { return; } $psize = $this->width * $this->scale; if($this->type < 10) { $np = new Pplot_point; $np->layout( array("pos" => $HZplot->lepos, "pointtype" => $this->type, "pointwidth" => $this->width, "scale" => $this->scale, "color" => $this->color, "filled" => $this->filled )); $np->show(); unset($np); $ty = $HZplot->lepos[1] + round($psize/2); $tx = $HZplot->lepos[0] + round($psize/2) + 5; } else { $cx = $HZplot->lepos[0]; $cy = $HZplot->lepos[1]; $x1 = $cx - round($psize/2); $y1 = $cy - round($psize/2); $x2 = $cx + round($psize/2); $y2 = $cy + round($psize/2); $border = plotcolor("black"); ImageFilledRectangle($HZplot->image,$x1, $y1,$x2,$y2,$this->color); ImageRectangle($HZplot->image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$border); } $ty = $HZplot->lepos[1] + round($psize/2); $tx = $HZplot->lepos[0] + round($psize/2) + 5; $npt = new Pplot_text; $npt->layout(array( "pos" => array($tx,$ty), "text" => $this->text, "textfont" => $this->textfont, "textsize" => $this->textsize, "textcolor"=> $this->textcolor, "ttf" => $this->ttf )); $npt->show(); unset($npt); list($nnw,$nnh) = $this->geometry(); if($HZplot->ledir == "x") { $HZplot->lepos[0] += $nnw + 10; } else { $HZplot->lepos[1] += $nnh + 5 ; } } } class Pplot_bargraph extends Pplot_base { var $classname = "Pplot_bargraph"; var $barmode = "side"; var $barspacing = 0; var $drawsets = array(1); var $y2axis = false; var $showvalue = false; var $valuefont = 3; var $valuecolor = "black"; var $valuesize = 10; var $valuettf = false; var $legend = false; var $legendfont = 3; var $legendsize = 10; var $legendttf = false; var $legendscale= 1; var $legendtype = 10; var $legendfontclr = "black"; function layout($a = "") { global $HZplot; $HZplot->xextend = true; $gpa = $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["Pplot_legend"]; if(!empty($gpa["textcolor"])) { $this->legendfontclr=$gpa["textcolor"];} if(!empty($gpa["textfont"])) { $this->legendfont = $gpa["textfont"];} if(!empty($gpa["scale"])) { $this->legendscale = $gpa["scale"]; } if(!empty($gpa["type"])) { $this->legendtype = $gpa["type"]; } $this->position($a); if($this->barmode == "stack") { $HZplot->stack = true; } $y2 = false; if($this->y2axis) { $HZplot->options["y2axis"] = true ; $y2 = true; } $HZplot->parsedata($this->drawsets,$y2); if(!$HZplot->pregame) { pregame(); } } function show() { global $HZplot; $sets = count($this->drawsets); $points= count($HZplot->xmarkset); if($HZplot->xextend) { $points += 2; } $length= $HZplot->length; $height= $HZplot->height; $delta = $length /($points - 1); $width = round(($delta - $this->barspacing )/ $sets); if( $this->barmode == "overwrite" || $this->barmode == "stack" ) { $width = round($delta) - $this->barspacing; $this->showvalue = false; } $sx = $HZplot->margin[0]; $sy = $HZplot->size[1] - $HZplot->margin[3]; if ($HZplot->zero > 1) { $sy -= round($HZplot->zero); } $numclr= count($HZplot->colorset); $drawstart = 0 ; $drawend = $points; if($HZplot->xextend) { $sx = $HZplot->margin[0] + round($length /($points - 1)); $drawstart = 0 ; $drawend = $points - 2; } $ycnt = count($HZplot->ymarkset) - 1; $ymin = $HZplot->ymarkset[0]; $ymax = $HZplot->ymarkset[$ycnt]; if($this->y2axis) { $y2cnt= count($HZplot->y2markset) - 1; $y2min = $HZplot->y2markset[0]; $y2max = $HZplot->y2markset[$y2cnt]; } for($i = $drawstart ; $i < $drawend ; ++$i) { $stackh = 0; reset($this->drawsets); while(list($j,$dset) = each($this->drawsets)) { $nc = ($dset - 1) % $numclr; $color = $HZplot->colorset[$nc]; $shift = ($this->barmode == "side") ? $width : 0; $bx = $sx + round($i * $delta) + round(($this->barspacing - $delta)/2) + $j * $shift; $bvalue = $HZplot->datasets[$dset][$i]; if($this->y2axis && $j == ($sets - 1)) { $h = round(($bvalue - $y2min) * $height/($y2max - $y2min)); } else { $h = round(($bvalue - $ymin) * $height/($ymax - $ymin)); } $by = $sy; if ($h < 0) { $by = $by + abs($h) ; } if($this->barmode == "stack") { $by = $by - $stackh; } $stackh += $h; if($this->shift) { $bx += $this->shift[0]; $by += $this->shift[1]; } $abar = new Pplot_bar(array($bx,$by),$width,abs($h),$color); if( $h < 0 ) { $abar->negative = true; } $abar->show(); if($this->showvalue) { $nvl = new Pplot_text; $nvl->layout(array( "text" => $bvalue, "textcolor" => $this->valuecolor, "textfont" => $this->valuefont, "textsize" => $this->valuesize, "ttf" => $this->valuettf )); list($nvlw,$nvlh) = $nvl->geometry(); if($h >= 0) { $svy = $by - $h - 5 ; if($HZplot->cubic) { $svy -= 6; } } else { $svy = $by + $nvlh; if($HZplot->cubic) { $svy += 6; } } $svx = $bx + round(($width - $nvlw)/2); if($HZplot->cubic) { $svx += 6; } $nvl->layout(array( "pos" => array($svx,$svy) )); $nvl->show(); unset($nvl); } } } reset($this->drawsets); if(!empty($this->legend)) { while(list($j,$dset) = each($this->drawsets)) { $nc = ($dset -1) % $numclr ; $color = $HZplot->colorset[$nc]; $nl = new Pplot_legend; $nl->layout(array( "text" => $this->legend[$j], "color" => $color, "textfont" => $this->legendfont, "textcolor"=> $this->legendfontclr, "ttf" => $this->legendttf, "textsize" => $this->legendsize, "scale" => $this->legendscale, "filled" => true, "type" => $this->legendtype )); $nl->show(); unset($nl); } } } } class Pplot_linepoints extends Pplot_base { var $classname = "Pplot_linepoints"; var $filled = true; var $showline = true; var $showpoint = true; var $linewidth = 1; var $drawsets = array(1); var $y2axis = false; var $showvalue = false; var $valuefont = 3; var $valuecolor = "black"; var $valuesize = 10; var $valuettf = false; var $valueshift = array(5,-4); var $legend = false; var $legendfont = 3; var $legendsize = 10; var $legendttf = false; var $legendscale= 1; var $legendtype = false; var $legendfontclr = "black"; function layout($a ="") { global $HZplot ; $this->cubic = $HZplot->cubic; $gpa = $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["Pplot_legend"]; if(!empty($gpa["textcolor"])) { $this->legendfontclr=$gpa["textcolor"];} if(!empty($gpa["textfont"])) { $this->legendfont = $gpa["textfont"];} if(!empty($gpa["scale"])) { $this->legendscale = $gpa["scale"]; } $this->position($a); $y2 = false; if($this->y2axis) { $HZplot->options["y2axis"] = true ; $y2 = true; } $HZplot->parsedata($this->drawsets,$y2); if(!$HZplot->pregame) { pregame(); } } function show() { global $HZplot; $sets = count($this->drawsets); $points= count($HZplot->xmarkset); if($HZplot->xextend) { $points += 2; } $length= $HZplot->length; $height= $HZplot->height; $delta = $length /($points - 1); $sx = $HZplot->margin[0]; $sy = $HZplot->size[1] - $HZplot->margin[3]; if ($HZplot->zero > 1) { $sy -= round($HZplot->zero); } $numclr= count($HZplot->colorset); $drawstart = 0 ; $drawend = $points; if($HZplot->xextend) { $sx = $HZplot->margin[0] + round($length /($points - 1)); $drawstart = 0 ; $drawend = $points - 2; } $ycnt = count($HZplot->ymarkset) - 1; $ymin = $HZplot->ymarkset[0]; $ymax = $HZplot->ymarkset[$ycnt]; if( $this->y2axis) { $y2cnt= count($HZplot->y2markset) - 1; $y2min = $HZplot->y2markset[0]; $y2max = $HZplot->y2markset[$y2cnt]; } for($i = $drawstart ; $i < $drawend ; ++$i) { reset($this->drawsets); while(list($j,$dset) = each($this->drawsets)) { $nc = ($dset - 1) % $numclr; $color = $HZplot->colorset[$nc]; $bx = $sx + round($i * $delta); $bvalue = $HZplot->datasets[$dset][$i]; if($this->y2axis && $j == ($sets - 1)) { $h = round(($bvalue - $y2min) * $height/($y2max - $y2min)); } else { $h = round(($bvalue - $ymin) * $height/($ymax - $ymin)); } $by = $sy - $h; $apoint = new Pplot_point; $ptsxy[$j][$i] = array($bx,$by); if($this->showpoint) { $apoint->layout(array( "color" => $color, "pointtype" => $dset, "scale" => $this->scale, "pos" => array($bx,$by), "showvalue" => $this->showvalue, "text" => $bvalue, "filled" => $this->filled, "valuefont" => $this->valuefont, "valuecolor"=> $color, "valuesize" => $this->valuesize, "valuettf" => $this->valuettf, "textshift" => $this->valueshift )); $apoint->show(); } unset($apoint); } } if ($this->showline) { reset($this->drawsets); while(list($j,$dset) = each($this->drawsets)) { $nc = ($dset - 1) % $numclr; $color = $HZplot->colorset[$nc]; $color = plotcolor($color); for($i = $drawstart ; $i < $drawend - 1 ; ++$i) { $lstart= $ptsxy[$j][$i]; $lend = $ptsxy[$j][$i + 1]; if($this->cubic && !$this->showpoint) { $_nc = new Pplot_line; $_nc->layout(array( "start" => $lstart, "end" => $lend, "color" => plotcolor("black"), "cubic" => true, "fillcolor" => $color )); $_nc->show(); unset($_nc); } else { if($this->linewidth == 1) { ImageLine($HZplot->image,$lstart[0],$lstart[1], $lend[0],$lend[1],$color); } else { $l1 = $ptsxy[$j][$i]; $l2 = $ptsxy[$j][$i + 1]; $lx1 = $l1[0]; $ly1 = $l1[1]; $lx2 = $l2[0]; $ly2 = $l2[1]; $lx3 = $lx2; $ly3 = $ly2 - $this->linewidth; $lx4 = $lx1; $ly4 = $ly1 - $this->linewidth; ImageFilledPolygon($HZplot->image, array($lx1,$ly1,$lx2,$ly2,$lx3,$ly3,$lx4,$ly4),4,$color); } } } } } reset($this->drawsets); if(!empty($this->legend)) { while(list($j,$dset) = each($this->drawsets)) { $nc = ($dset -1) % $numclr ; $color = $HZplot->colorset[$nc]; $nl = new Pplot_legend; if(!$this->showpoint) { $thetype = $this->legendtype ? $this->legendtype : 10; } else { $thetype = $this->legendtype ? $this->legendtype : $dset; } $nl->layout(array( "text" => $this->legend[$j], "color" => $color, "textfont" => $this->legendfont, "textcolor"=> $this->legendfontclr, "ttf" => $this->legendttf, "textsize" => $this->legendsize, "scale" => $this->legendscale, "filled" => $this->filled, "type" => $thetype )); $nl->show(); unset($nl); } } } } class Pplot_areagraph extends Pplot_linepoints { var $classname = "Pplot_area"; var $areamode = "overwrite"; function show() { global $HZplot; $sets = count($this->drawsets); $points= count($HZplot->xmarkset); if($HZplot->xextend) { $points += 2; } $length= $HZplot->length; $height= $HZplot->height; $delta = $length /($points - 1); $sx = $HZplot->margin[0]; $sy = $HZplot->size[1] - $HZplot->margin[3]; if ($HZplot->zero > 1) { $sy -= round($HZplot->zero); } $numclr= count($HZplot->colorset); $drawstart = 0 ; $drawend = $points; if($HZplot->xextend) { $sx = $HZplot->margin[0] + round($length /($points - 1)); $drawstart = 0 ; $drawend = $points - 2; } $ycnt = count($HZplot->ymarkset) - 1; $ymin = $HZplot->ymarkset[0]; $ymax = $HZplot->ymarkset[$ycnt]; if( $this->y2axis) { $y2cnt= count($HZplot->y2markset) - 1; $y2min = $HZplot->y2markset[0]; $y2max = $HZplot->y2markset[$y2cnt]; } for($i = $drawstart ; $i < $drawend ; ++$i) { reset($this->drawsets); while(list($j,$dset) = each($this->drawsets)) { $nc = ($dset - 1) % $numclr; $color = $HZplot->colorset[$nc]; $bx = $sx + round($i * $delta); $bvalue = $HZplot->datasets[$dset][$i]; if($this->y2axis && $j == ($sets - 1)) { $h = round(($bvalue - $y2min) * $height/($y2max - $y2min)); } else { $h = round(($bvalue - $ymin) * $height/($ymax - $ymin)); } $by = $sy - $h; $apoint = new Pplot_point; $ptsxy[$j][$i] = array($bx,$by); unset($apoint); } } reset($this->drawsets); $cshift = 0; while(list($j,$dset) = each($this->drawsets)) { $nc = ($dset - 1) % $numclr; $color = $HZplot->colorset[$nc]; $color = plotcolor($color); if ($HZplot->cubic) { $ds = count($HZplot->datasets) - 2; $ds = $ds == 0 ? 1: $ds ; $cshift = round(6 / $ds ); } $areapts[] = $sx + 6 - ($dset - 1) * $cshift; $areapts[] = $sy - 6 + ($dset - 1) * $cshift; for($i = $drawstart ; $i < $drawend ; ++$i) { $areapts[] = $ptsxy[$j][$i][0] + 6 - ($dset - 1) * $cshift; $areapts[] = $ptsxy[$j][$i][1] - 6 + ($dset - 1)* $cshift; } $myct = count($HZplot->xmarkset); $areapts[] = $ptsxy[$j][$myct - 1][0] + 6 - ($dset - 1) * $cshift; $areapts[] = $sy - 6 + ($dset - 1) * $cshift; ImageFilledPolygon($HZplot->image,$areapts,$myct + 2,$color); unset($areapts); } reset($this->drawsets); if(!empty($this->legend)) { while(list($j,$dset) = each($this->drawsets)) { $nc = ($dset -1) % $numclr ; $color = $HZplot->colorset[$nc]; $nl = new Pplot_legend; $nl->layout(array( "text" => $this->legend[$j], "color" => $color, "textcolor"=> $this->legendfontclr, "textfont" => $this->legendfont, "ttf" => $this->legendttf, "textsize" => $this->legendsize, "scale" => $this->legendscale, "filled" => $this->filled, "type" => 10 )); $nl->show(); unset($nl); } } } } class Pplot_piegraph extends Pplot_bargraph { var $classname = "Pplot_piegraph"; var $showmark = true; var $showlabel = true; var $markfont = 3; var $markcolor = "black"; var $marksize = 10; var $markshift = array(0,0); var $markttf = false; var $labelfont = 3; var $labelcolor = "black"; var $labelsize = 10; var $labelshift = array(0,0); var $labelttf = false; var $start = 0; var $pos = array(0,0); var $monocolor = false; var $cubic = false; var $scale = 1.0; var $radius = false; var $ratio = 0.65; var $thickness = 12; var $bordercolor= "black"; function layout($a = "") { global $HZplot; $gpa = $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["Pplot_legend"]; if(!empty($gpa["textcolor"])) { $this->legendfontclr=$gpa["textcolor"];} if(!empty($gpa["textfont"])) { $this->legendfont = $gpa["textfont"];} if(!empty($gpa["scale"])) { $this->legendscale = $gpa["scale"]; } if(!empty($gpa["type"])) { $this->legendtype = $gpa["type"]; } $_newbox = new Pplot_box ; $_newbox->layout(); $mpa = $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["Pplot_piegraph"]; if(empty($mpa["pos"])) { $this->pos[0] = round($HZplot->size[0] / 2); $this->pos[1] = round($HZplot->size[1] / 2); } if(empty($mpa["radius"])) { $gifx = $HZplot->length; $gify = $HZplot->height; $d = $gifx > $gify ? $gify : $gifx; $this->radius = round($d * 0.50 * $this->scale); } $this->position($a); $HZplot->parsedata($this->drawsets); if(!$HZplot->pregame) { if($HZplot->cubic) { $this->cubic = true; } $HZplot->options["xaxis"] = false; $HZplot->options["yaxis"] = false; $HZplot->options["y2axis"]= false; $HZplot->options["grid"] = false; $HZplot->options["box"] = false; if($HZplot->options["title"]) { $_newtitle = new Pplot_title ; $_newtitle->layout(); list($ntw,$nth) = $_newtitle->geometry(); $a = $this->cubic ? $this->radius * $this->ratio : $this->radius ; $b = $this->cubic ? $this->thickness : 0; if($_newtitle->location == "topcenter") { $this->pos[1] += 10; $_newtitle->pos[1] = $this->pos[1] - $a - 25; } else { $this->pos[1] -= 10; $_newtitle->pos[1] = $this->pos[1]+$a+23+$b+$nth; } $_newtitle->show(); $HZplot->options["title"] = false; } if($HZplot->options["legend"]) { $_newlegend = new Pplot_legend ; $_newlegend->layout(); } } } function show() { global $HZplot; $markset = $HZplot->xmarkset; $theset = $this->drawsets[0]; $dataset = $HZplot->datasets[$theset]; $slices = count($HZplot->xmarkset); $sum = 0.0; for($i = 0; $i < $slices ; ++$i) { $sum += abs($dataset[$i]); } reset($dataset); if($sum <= 0) { $sum = 1; } for($i = 0; $i < $slices ; ++$i) { $dataset[$i] = round(360 * abs($dataset[$i])/$sum); } # ready to go $cx = $this->pos[0]; $cy = $this->pos[1]; $bc = plotcolor($this->bordercolor); $numclr= count($HZplot->colorset); $start = $this->start; reset($dataset); if(!$this->cubic) { $r = $this->radius; ImageArc($HZplot->image,$cx,$cy,$r * 2,$r * 2,0,360,$bc); for($i = 0; $i < $slices ; ++$i) { $col = $HZplot->colorset[ $i % $numclr ]; $col = plotcolor($col); $startx = $cx + round($r * cos($start*pi()/180)); $starty = $cy - round($r * sin($start*pi()/180)); $end = $start + $dataset[$i]; $centerx= $cx + round(0.7*$r*cos(($start+ 0.5*$dataset[$i])*pi()/180)); $centery= $cy - round(0.7*$r*sin(($start+ 0.5*$dataset[$i])*pi()/180)); $outerx = $cx + round(1.25*$r*cos(($start+ 0.5*$dataset[$i])*pi()/180)); $outery = $cy - round(1.15*$r*sin(($start+ 0.5*$dataset[$i])*pi()/180)); ImageLine($HZplot->image,$cx,$cy,$startx,$starty,$bc); imagefilltoborder($HZplot->image,$centerx,$centery,$bc,$col); if($this->showmark) { $thisstr = round($dataset[$i] * 10 / 36) . '%'; $vt = new Pplot_text; $vt->layout(array( "textfont" => $this->markfont, "textsize" => $this->marksize, "shift" => $this->markshift, "textcolor" => $this->markcolor, "text" => $thisstr, "pos" => array(10,10), "ttf" => $this->markttf )); list($vtw,$vth) = $vt->geometry(); $fx = $centerx - round(0.5*$vtw); $fy = $centery + round(0.5*$vth); $vt->layout(array("pos" => array($fx,$fy))); $vt->show(); unset($vt); } if($this->showlabel) { $thisstr = $HZplot->xmarkset[$i]; $vt = new Pplot_text; $vt->layout(array( "textfont" => $this->labelfont, "textsize" => $this->labelsize, "shift" => $this->labelshift, "textcolor" => $this->labelcolor, "text" => $thisstr, "pos" => array(10,10), "ttf" => $this->labelttf )); list($vtw,$vth) = $vt->geometry(); $fx = $outerx - round(0.5*$vtw); $fy = $outery + round(0.5*$vth); $vt->layout(array("pos" => array($fx,$fy))); $vt->show(); unset($vt); } $start = $end; } } else { $a = $this->radius; $b = round($a * $this->ratio); $dx = $cx; $dy = $cy + $this->thickness; ImageArc($HZplot->image,$cx,$cy,$a * 2,$b * 2,180,360,$bc); ImageArc($HZplot->image,$dx,$dy,$a * 2,$b * 2,0,180,$bc); ImageLine($HZplot->image,$cx+$a,$cy,$dx+$a,$dy,$bc); ImageLine($HZplot->image,$cx-$a,$cy,$dx-$a,$dy,$bc); for($i = 0; $i < $slices ; ++$i) { $col = $HZplot->colorset[ $i % $numclr ]; $col = plotcolor($col); $startx = $cx + round($a * cos($start*pi()/180)); $starty = $cy - round($b * sin($start*pi()/180)); $end = $start + $dataset[$i]; $centerx= $cx + round(0.7 * $a * cos(($start + 0.5*$dataset[$i])*pi()/180)); $centery= $cy - round(0.7 * $b * sin(($start + 0.5*$dataset[$i])*pi()/180)); $outerx = $cx + round(1.35 * $a * cos(($start + 0.5*$dataset[$i])*pi()/180)); $outery = $cy - round(1.25 * $b * sin(($start + 0.5*$dataset[$i])*pi()/180)); ImageLine($HZplot->image,$cx,$cy,$startx,$starty,$bc); if($starty > $cy) { ImageLine($HZplot->image,$startx,$starty,$startx, $starty+$this->thickness,$bc); } imagefilltoborder($HZplot->image,$centerx,$centery,$bc,$col); if($this->showmark) { $thisstr = round($dataset[$i] * 10 / 36) . '%'; $vt = new Pplot_text; $vt->layout(array( "textfont" => $this->markfont, "textsize" => $this->marksize, "shift" => $this->markshift, "textcolor" => $this->markcolor, "text" => $thisstr, "pos" => array(10,10), "ttf" => $this->markttf )); list($vtw,$vth) = $vt->geometry(); $fx = $centerx - round(0.5*$vtw); $fy = $centery + round(0.5*$vth); $vt->layout(array("pos" => array($fx,$fy))); $vt->show(); unset($vt); } if($this->showlabel) { $thisstr = $HZplot->xmarkset[$i]; $vt = new Pplot_text; $vt->layout(array( "textfont" => $this->labelfont, "textsize" => $this->labelsize, "shift" => $this->labelshift, "textcolor" => $this->labelcolor, "text" => $thisstr, "pos" => array(10,10), "ttf" => $this->labelttf )); list($vtw,$vth) = $vt->geometry(); $fx = $outerx - round(0.5*$vtw); $fy = $outery + round(0.5*$vth); $vt->layout(array("pos" => array($fx,$fy))); $vt->show(); unset($vt); } $start = $end; } ImageArc($HZplot->image,$cx,$cy,$a * 2,$b * 2,0,180,$bc); } } } class Pplot_bargraph2 extends Pplot_bargraph { var $classname = "Pplot_bargraph2"; function layout($a = "") { global $HZplot; $gpa = $GLOBALS["_globalsettings"]["Pplot_legend"]; if(!empty($gpa["textcolor"])) { $this->legendfontclr=$gpa["textcolor"];} if(!empty($gpa["textfont"])) { $this->legendfont = $gpa["textfont"];} if(!empty($gpa["scale"])) { $this->legendscale = $gpa["scale"]; } if(!empty($gpa["type"])) { $this->legendtype = $gpa["type"]; } if(!empty($HZplot->xmarkset)) { $barxmarkset = $HZplot->xmarkset ; $HZplot->xmarkset = false; } if(!empty($HZplot->ymarkset)) { $barymarkset = $HZplot->ymarkset ; $HZplot->ymarkset = false; } if(!empty($HZplot->yrange)) { $HZplot->xrange = $HZplot->yrange; } $this->position($a); if($this->barmode == "stack") { $HZplot->stack = true; } $HZplot->parsedata($this->drawsets,false); $xset = $HZplot->xmarkset; $HZplot->xmarkset = $HZplot->ymarkset; $HZplot->ymarkset = $xset; if($barymarkset) { $HZplot->ymarkset = $barymarkset; } if($barxmarkset) { $HZplot->xmarkset = $barxmarkset; } $HZplot->xextend = false; $HZplot->yextend = true; if(!$HZplot->pregame) { pregame(); } } function show() { global $HZplot; $sets = count($this->drawsets); $points= count($HZplot->ymarkset); if($HZplot->yextend) { $points += 2; } $length= $HZplot->length; $height= $HZplot->height; $delta = $height /($points - 1); $width = round(($delta - $this->barspacing )/ $sets); if( $this->barmode == "overwrite" || $this->barmode == "stack" ) { $width = round($delta) - $this->barspacing; $this->showvalue = false; } $sx = $HZplot->margin[0]; $sy = $HZplot->size[1] - $HZplot->margin[3]; $numclr= count($HZplot->colorset); $drawstart = 0 ; $drawend = $points; if($HZplot->yextend) { $sy = $sy - round($height /($points - 1)); $drawstart = 0 ; $drawend = $points - 2; } $xcnt = count($HZplot->xmarkset) - 1; $xmin = $HZplot->xmarkset[0]; $xmax = $HZplot->xmarkset[$xcnt]; for($i = $drawstart ; $i < $drawend ; ++$i) { $stackh = 0; reset($this->drawsets); while(list($j,$dset) = each($this->drawsets)) { $nc = ($dset - 1) % $numclr; $color = $HZplot->colorset[$nc]; $shift = ($this->barmode == "side") ? -$width : 0; $bx = $sx ; $by = $sy - round($i * $delta) - round(($this->barspacing - $delta)/2) + $j * $shift; $bvalue = $HZplot->datasets[$dset][$i]; $h = round($bvalue * $length/($xmax - $xmin)); if ($h < 0) { $h = abs($h) ; } if($this->barmode == "stack") { $bx = $bx + $stackh; } $stackh += $h; if($this->shift) { $bx += $this->shift[0]; $by += $this->shift[1]; } $abar = new Pplot_bar(array($bx,$by),abs($h),$width,$color); $abar->show(); } } reset($this->drawsets); if(!empty($this->legend)) { while(list($j,$dset) = each($this->drawsets)) { $nc = ($dset -1) % $numclr ; $color = $HZplot->colorset[$nc]; $nl = new Pplot_legend; $nl->layout(array( "text" => $this->legend[$j], "color" => $color, "textfont" => $this->legendfont, "textcolor"=> $this->legendfontclr, "ttf" => $this->legendttf, "textsize" => $this->legendsize, "scale" => $this->legendscale, "filled" => true, "type" => $this->legendtype )); $nl->show(); unset($nl); } } } } ?>