Subject: | This package is done with errors. |
Summary: | Package rating comment |
Messages: | 7 |
Author: | alex |
Date: | 2008-08-19 15:01:14 |
Update: | 2009-03-30 10:46:13 |
alex rated this package as follows:
Utility: | Bad |
Consistency: | Bad |
Documentation: | Bad |
Examples: | Bad |
 alex - 2008-08-19 15:01:35
This package is done with errors. It just does not work.
 Pierre FAUQUE - 2008-09-20 23:30:08 - In reply to message 1 from alex
It's important for you that you can express yourself about this class, finding utility, consistency, documentation and examples bad ; not for me. Several hundred of people are using it without problem.
If you need some help, it will be interesting to say wich kind of error you have noticed.
It may be a good idea also to read the complete documentation. Nobody being perfect, I don't speak all languages. So, the complete documentation is written in french in a PDF format downloadable from my web site indicated in the README.txt file. Here is only a minimal documentation in english (in the class itself) and demo files. I suppose it is sufficient because most of people can use it without the french documentation. The most important being to be able to read.
nb: PDF documentation is not in this package because can't accept PDF files when we're uploading classes.
You can see this class in functionnal use on my website and at : ...
and ...
in Czech language.
If you need some help you're will be well advised to say what or else it will be difficult for me to help you... :o)
 Eduardo Fuerte - 2009-03-11 17:06:06 - In reply to message 2 from Pierre FAUQUE
Hello Pierre !
I've tried for several days the use of QCM with no success.
I really don't know what is wrong since I've used exactly the same ways you pointed at documentation but it really don't work ! (So I've tried other workarounds until with no success)
Using ("test.php" and "results.php") the main problem is that the answers I've put on the form don't reach the second instance of the QCM class (instantiated in result.php) so the replies are lost and the corrections are invariably "Pás de response".
Could you please give me a "checklist" with something I have to check to make it works ? (probably a configuration in php.ini or something like that)
The links you've put in the reply are broken so I couldn't see the class working and my last doubt was not replied, until now.
Thank you.
 Pierre FAUQUE - 2009-03-11 22:54:35 - In reply to message 3 from Eduardo Fuerte
Hello Eduardo,
Please take a look in the downloaded files and you can find in it (README.txt) my own mail address.
Can you send me in a zipped file at this mail address :
- the class you are using
- the qcm file (qcm?.txt) i.e. your test or inquiry
- the main page ( where require("QCM.php") is written)
- and all the files you are using for your test
I will take a look on these files and I will test it on my website.
If there is no error, the test should work (probably php.ini).
If I find an error in your scripts, I will send you a possible correction
If I find an error in the class, I will write here the response, a new version will be available for download and this new version will be send at your own mail address.
In all cases if I find something, you will be advertised.
Correct ?
Best regards and thank you for your interest in this class.
From where are you ?
Can you tell me the broken link, please ?
 Eduardo Fuerte - 2009-03-12 21:58:36 - In reply to message 4 from Pierre FAUQUE
Hello Mr. Fauque !
I've send you an e-mail with the files you need to check.
I'm glad you've replied in a so gentle way.
I'm from São Paulo, Brasil
Thank you very much for your help !
Eduardo Fuerte
 Pierre FAUQUE - 2009-03-19 16:51:42 - In reply to message 5 from Eduardo Fuerte
The problem occurs when the "register_globals" variable of the php.ini is set to "Off".
The code of this class will be corrected and the corrected version will be soon available on this website with the number 2.13 to works properly with "register_globals = Off" in the php.ini
 Pierre FAUQUE - 2009-03-30 10:46:13 - In reply to message 5 from Eduardo Fuerte
This problem is now done and the class can be executed with "register_globals = Off". There is also a new version (v2.15)downloadable from here, phpclasses, or from the original distribution website.