 CoManch - 2011-08-31 11:43:10
Can You publish your demo site's files please?
 Cuonic - 2011-08-31 15:29:33 - In reply to message 1 from CoManch
Sure thing, what do you want them for ?
Download : http://bayfiles.com/file/VlP/QHdDhI/auth-site.zip
 CoManch - 2011-08-31 18:48:00 - In reply to message 2 from Cuonic
Thank You! I checked only how did you use the $auth->checksession and the $auth->errormsg[] in the other files.
Great job! :-)
Have a nice day.
Regards, CoManch
 CoManch - 2011-08-31 22:02:05 - In reply to message 3 from CoManch
By the function deletesession($hash) missing the following line:
(We don't get any username >>> will nothing delete from the sessions table...
 Antonio Preciado Cuevas - 2011-10-24 19:00:15 - In reply to message 2 from Cuonic
Im trying to make it work but im not as good as you in php, can you tell me how to use this class, which method should I use in the <form> and how to handle the sessions and can you please reupload the demo page zip again. It will be really helpfull. Thank you
 jazzland - 2011-12-04 13:25:34 - In reply to message 2 from Cuonic
Kind John, could you please publish again the demo source pages code?
MAny thanks
 cyphos - 2011-12-06 12:12:35 - In reply to message 1 from CoManch
too me. i have need to see the files of this demo.
it's important for me to understand how build this demo.
thanks you a lot
 Danny Hanson - 2012-01-07 23:25:14 - In reply to message 1 from CoManch
Hey, I know its been a long time since this as been posted on, but please could you re-upload the demo site, as I'm unsure how to use the hash with the session functions
 cyphos - 2012-01-17 14:31:18 - In reply to message 8 from Danny Hanson
excuse me
which démo site?
site phpclasse or your personal site?
 Danny Hanson - 2012-01-17 19:54:10 - In reply to message 9 from cyphos
Ermm, The auth class demo site. If your know what I mean, if not, the site that uses this class which the author has provided, (http://auth.cuonic.tk/) And/or anyother site that has successfully used this class. Just need to know how the check session function works.